Bequests and wills
How to leave the Uniting Church a gift in your will
You can leave a bequest to the Uniting Church specifically to the Uniting Foundation, or to your local or a particular congregation, or to a particular part of the Uniting Church. In the Uniting Church, The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.) is the legal entity in which all property and finances are vested. Hence the Property Trust needs to be named and then additional information provided to direct your gift accordingly.
We suggest seeking legal advice from a solicitor or legal advisor to ensure that taxation and other implications are fully considered for your particular circumstances.
Bequest wording
The following suggested bequest wording is provided to assist people who wish to leave a gift to the Uniting Church in their will.
I give and bequeath ......
(description of gift, eg specific amount or percentage of estate or balance of estate)
to The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)
a) for the use and benefit of ...... (name of beneficiary – examples listed below)
* (name of congregation) Uniting Church, (address) - eg West Uniting Church, 7 West Tce, Adelaide
* the Uniting Foundation
* Uniting College for Leadership & Theology
* the Synod of South Australia
* UAICC (Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress)
* Frontier Services
* the Uniting Church in Australia (Assembly)
* name of Uniting Church body or group
a) for the purpose of ...... (optional – if the bequestor is wishing the bequest or legacy to be used for a specific purpose)
* mission outreach
* children's / youth / seniors' ministry
* pastoral care
* social justice
* international or cross cultural mission
* Indigenous ministry
* theological education
b) If this gift cannot take effect for any reason for the use and benefit of such congregation, foundation, institution, council, committee, department, college, board or agency of the Uniting Church in Australia as The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.) considers most nearly fulfils the charitable purposes I intend to benefit.