Uniting Foundation

Every day the Uniting Church through its congregations and associated community and aged care organisations provides programs and services which bring hope and joy to South Australians.

Each year the Uniting Foundation receives applications for financial support from across the State. Successful applicants receive significant grants for projects which are considered to be at the 'cutting edge' in terms of services and programs which will build vibrant church communities and lead the Church into the future.

People often ask how they can support the work of the Church in providing services, programs, and the proclamation of a Christian message. One way to help is by supporting the Church through the Uniting Foundation.

By making a donation or including a bequest to the Uniting Foundation in your Will, you will be helping to shape the future of the Church; preparing it to meet the needs of the next generation.

To find out more about the work of Uniting Foundation we invite you to view a video at this link: Video

View the 2023 Approved Grants Report>