Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Ministry
About CALD Ministry
Purposefully celebrating the God-given gifts of our cultural distinctiveness and diversity, as we follow Christ together in the ministry of all believers (Rev 7:9)
In the UCASA, reconciliation of humanity with God and the reconciliation of first and second peoples in all their cultural diversity is an ongoing journey we walk together.
Find out more about the UCA Assembly's Multicultural and Cross Cultural ministry work
One theme through all of these types of communities is the intentional engagement of the next generation of their congregation in the life of the church.
CALD ministry offers workshops for individuals and communities interested in ministry in CALD communities and contexts. Our resources are developed by intercultural teams of ministry leaders and academics from diverse cultural backgrounds, balancing experience and aspiration to see the church strengthened in intercultural communication and inclusive ministry.
The UCA has always had strong commitment to being relevant in our Australian communities. And since 1985, we have considered ourselves to be a 'Multicultural Church'. Our reality in this millennia is that the future of this church is intergenerational, Christ-centred and intercultural in leadership and in expression.
CALD ministry in SA seeks to be a dynamic, faith-enhancing and life-giving source of worship, truth, inclusion and justice in the life of our church and our state.
In spiritual unity, we work together to see that these values are not just aspirational, but intentionally practiced features of how we ‘do church’ together.
2022 Synod Resolution on Synod Action Plan for Becoming a CALD and Intercultural Church: 2022-2025
It was AGREED (by consensus) that the Synod of SA resolve to:
- Endorse ‘Ten Recommendations in Synod Action Plan for Becoming a Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) and Intercultural Church:2022-2025’ (Appendix I) and encourage Synod boards, committees, relevant Ministry Centres, presbyteries, congregations, organisations associated with the UCA, and agencies to implement its relevant recommendations and shape their own action plans.
- ACKNOWLEDGE the 16th Assembly resolution on 'Moving forward in Being a Multicultural Church,' (Appendix II) including adopting the 3rd Sunday in July (or another date best suited to the local setting) as an ‘Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday,' to celebrate UCA being a Multicultural Church and to create an opportunity for congregations and faith communities to connect and build relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in their neighbourhoods. This Sunday is to replace One Great Sunday of Sharing.
- Request Synod Placements Committee in consultation with Presbytery Pastoral Relation Committees and UAICC to review and revise the Minister Leadership Profile Form and Congregation Placement Profile to reflect the ethos and characteristics expressed in We Are A Multicultural Church (4th Assembly, 1985), A Church For All God’s People (11th Assembly, 2006) and One Body Many Members: Living faith and life cross culturally (13th Assembly, 2012).
- Request Presbytery Pastoral Relation Committees to review and revise Protocols for Applying to be a Faith Community (2013, Appendix III) to be simpler and fostering CALD participation and integration.