Find a family friendly church

While all churches would consider themselves welcoming to families, some churches offer more programs for families than others. This list simply serves as a guide.

For a full list of Uniting Churches, please see our Find a Church alphabetical list.

You can click the church name to find further contact details(if the church has a website).







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Adelaide West Uniting Church


Mainly Music for Parents & Children Shared Lunches Small groups for Youth and Teens

Aberfoyle Uniting Church (Seeds)


A play based, creative opportunity on Sunday mornings at 9am and 11am for kids to learn about God, develop relationships, and have FUN! We also have a School Holiday program that runs at our Aberfoyle Park campus called Kidventure.

Aldinga Uniting Church


Weekly Bible study - 12:00 Wednesday Shared luncheon following the morning worship service on the third Sunday each month. Craft group each Wednesday from 1:00pm

Athelstone Uniting Church


At AUC we have play group called Stay and Play that meets alternate Tuesdays on even weeks of school terms 9:30 am- 11am
Sunday School called Junior Church during the 9:30am worship on Sundays
Youth Yrs7-12 Friday nights (fortnightly) during school term and 6pm Sunday worship.

Balaklava Uniting Church


We have two programs for mums: MEG (Mothers Encouragement Group) - for mothers of pre-schoolers, and HOPE - for mothers of school-age children. Both meet fortnightly during school terms.

Belair Uniting Church


Occasional school holiday activities







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Blackwood Uniting Church


We have a children’s corner with activities related to the worship theme in the 9.15 church service; we have Messy Church once a month during term time, 1st Sunday, 4-6pm including a simple meal, $10 per family, dates and themes available on our website;

Mainly Music meets 10-11.30am every Friday morning during term time, $5 per family; Family Fun nights once or twice a term with simple meal included – details available as they happen on our website.

Community Classes are run on Wednesdays & Thursdays, with a crèche on Wednesday mornings, see website or ring the church office for more details.

Roundabout Playgroup meets Mondays 10am-11.30 during term time. New mums with young babies are very welcome.

Some simple crafts for pre-schoolers can be found on our website.

Bridgewater Uniting Church


Playgroup 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month during term time
Sunday School during term time except for all age worship on the 1st Sunday of the Month
Youth meet 3rd 4th and 5th Sundays, with social activities at other times.
Youth band plays on the 2nd Sunday of the Month.
Friday family fun nights on the last Friday of the month.

Brighton Uniting Church


Brougham Place Uniting Church


Burra Uniting Church


We run 'Thank God It's Friday' which is an alternate style worship night with social events mixed in. It is for young families, young adults, young at heart, singles and kids. We sing, play games have devotionals and use art, craft, testimonials and social events.

Burnside City Uniting Church


Sunday School (Junior Church – during the 9am Service)
Godly Play playgroup (Wednesdays and Fridays)
Mainly music (Mondays during school term)
Youth (fortnightly during school term)
Youth Men's Bible Study (Blokes with Bibles – fortnightly during school term)







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Campbelltown Uniting Church


Clare Uniting Church


Mainly Music for pre-schoolers and parents. We offer small groups for the whole family and camps for families.

Colonel Light Gardens


Playgroup on Tuesday and Montessori Playgroup on Wednesday by booking, Kids Club, Youth Group, Sunday School and vacation camp and family camp. Youth group meets fortnightly on a Sunday afternoon 2-4pm For years 7-12. Contact the church office for more information 8276 7416

Coromandel Valley Uniting Church

Free week-long school holiday program in the last week of the January school holiday

Monthly family Worship/Communion services

Fun and relevant Sunday morning kids/youth programs catering for ages from birth to Year 10 including discipleship courses such as Youth Alpha

Occasional movie/fun nights for all the family (with plenty of food!)

Monthly women's social activities

Weekly youth & men's/women's Life Groups

Mainly music- movement and music sessions for pre-schoolers and parents weekly during term-time.

Dernancourt Uniting Church


Other activities:
Church family camp Occasional family events throughout school terms Monthly soup nights in winter - fellowship for families

Echunga Uniting Church


Other activities:
School holiday programs for children, family camp, children's camp, parental seminars, youth services, children services







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Eden Hills Uniting Church


Golden Grove Uniting Church



Mainly music (Fridays in school terms 9.30am-11.15am) - a fun music and movement program for children (0-5 years) and their parents/grandparents/carers.
Morning tea is provided for the children (as well as a separate, peaceful morning tea for the adults while the children play).

Kids Club (first Saturday each month 6pm-8pm) – lots of activities, crafts, games, etc. A light supper is provided.

Sunday School (Sundays in school term 10am) – encouraging growth in faith and in action as followers of Jesus.

Greenacres Uniting Church


Henley-Fulham Uniting Church


Drama Buddies meets Thurs nights during term to prepare a term drama project for presentation and caters for children from 6 years onwards (oldest about 13)
Messy Church is held on the 3rd Sunday afternoon of the month with a shared tea, at the same time as our newly formed Billabong Youth Group.
Henley Friends for Life meets on the 1st Saturday night of each month and caters for children of families with disabilities and their friends. Join us for food, dancing and socialising!







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Hope Valley Uniting Church

Playgroups are on Wednesday and Thursday, Youth group activities on Friday nights, Kids Club once a month and Sunday programs for children and youth. We also offer men's and women's ministry as well as numerous life groups (Bible study groups)

Kadina-Wesley Uniting Church


We hold Sunday School from February through to med December commencing in church at 9.30 am then we head off to our room and have a bible story and fun activities together, finishing when the church service ends. Also we hold 3 Children Services a year, Palm Sunday, September and Christmas Service at the end of the school term. Contact us for the dates each year.

Lefevre Uniting Church, Taperoo


'Messy Church' first Wednesday of the month 4pm to 6pm
Lighthouse Youth: Wednesdays 6.30-8.30 during term time

Malvern and Unley Uniting Churches

Please join us at Malvern & Unley UC for..... Sunday Worship at Malvern 10.30am (Family & Children s Programs) & Malvern@6pm (Young Adults) Playgroup at Malvern every Thursday during School Terms at 10am and 1pm IMPACT Youth meet every week Fri or Sat - programs available Home Groups available for mums & dads. Kids Club Holiday Program 1st week of school holidays - 9am to 4pm, Rec to Yr7, programs available.

Marion-Warradale Uniting Church


Playgroup Sugar and Spice on Monday 10.00-11.00 in term time for preschool children 0-4 years and their carer’s. Gold coin.
Mainly music on Thursday 9.30-10.45 in term time for preschool children and their carer’s. $5 family. Fruit for children and coffee and cake for adults provided.
Fun days in school holidays for preschool and school aged children with their parents/carers.







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Maughan Uniting Church


Our playgroup is a multicultural playgroup which also offers support to new arrivals. We have a specific family/children's service on the first Sunday of each month, but children (and their playful noise) are welcomed every week.

Meadows Uniting Church


MOOSIC, music & rhythm for pre-schoolers, Wed. 10-10:45 during school terms

Padthaway Uniting Church


Jumpin' Joeys - mums/grandmas/carers with pre-school children. Friday fortnightly 10.00 am in UC Hall Interactive singing, actions, play. Cuppa and chat for mums afterwards Kool Kangas - primary school aged children - 3.30-5.00 pm usually at Uniting Church Hall. Activities, games, craft, songs, Bible teaching currently using Oasis programs.

Waypoint Uniting Church Paralowie and Parafield



Waypoint Playgroup is not just for Mums, we welcome Dads, Grandparents, and carers too.

We run on Mondays at Parafield and Wednesdays at Paralowie 10am till 11.30am during the school holidays for children 0 – 5 years. Cost $3 per family per visit, but first visit is free.”

“Waypoint Youth is a weekly youth hang out run on Friday nights at Parafield Gardens Uniting Church from 6:30 - 9pm during the school term for young people who are in years 6 - 12. Friday nights consist of exciting events, games, a message, small groups, dinner and friends!” “GLOW Children’s ministry runs during the Sunday morning service for 4-12 year olds.


Payneham Road Uniting Church








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Pilgrim Uniting Church


Port Augusta Uniting Church


Bible study groups and prayer groups also run during school term. Adult fellowship is held monthly. We also have a family camp each year.

Port Adelaide Uniting Church


We provide Playgroup, Sunday School, Youth Group and Kids Club. Our playgroup meets on Tuesday mornings during the school term from 10-11:30am. Kids Club is held on the first Friday of the month from 5-7pm. Youth Group is currently held on Friday nights from 7-10pm unless advised otherwise.

Semaphore Uniting Church


The Corner Uniting Church


Intergenerational worship – where all the children of God, regardless of age, gather together in the presence of God.
Corner Kids Performing Arts Group (7 years and up). Pizza & Stuff! Young Adults & Family Nights.







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The Vines Uniting Church


Mainly Music for parents and children. Craft group on Thursday mornings with crèche.

The Journey Uniting Church

The Journey Uniting Church is on the same site as Pedare Christian College, Surrey Farm Drive, Golden Grove.

Our services are contemporary and relaxed at 10am and 6pm Sunday. The 10am service has a full program for children aged 0-14 years.

Youth meets weekly on Fridays at 7pm at the church for students in year 6-12
Kids Club meets fortnightly on Friday at 5pm at the church for students in years R-5
MOPs (playgroup) meets fortnightly at Pedare Junior School, Bicentennial Drive, Golden Grove.
Men's, Women's and mixed adult groups meet at various times during the week.

Trinity Alberton
Uniting Church


Alberton - Fun with Music Playgroup
Time: Fridays 9:30am - 11:00am of school term
Contact: Leesa 0432 467 881 or email Turn on Javascript!
Cost: $2 per family Morning tea is provided: fruit for the children and something delicious for the adults
Age Range: 0 - 5

Trackside Kids (Kids Club for ages 5-11) Friday Fortnightly 6.00pm-8.00pm

Connect Youth - recommencing in 2022
Time: Friday Fortnightly during the school term 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Contact: Leesa 0432 467 881 or email Turn on Javascript!
Age Range: For youth aged 12-16

Tumby Bay Uniting Church


During school terms

Rosefield Uniting Church


Opportunities to participate in netball and basketball teams in Saturday afternoon competitions. Occasional parenting evenings with guest speakers. We also stock a large range of free Parenting Easy Guides, published by Parenting SA.

Roxby Downs Christian Community Church


KYB group with childcare provided is run for women each week. An Open House for informal networking with provision for children is held each week.

Waikerie Uniting Church


Walkerville Uniting Church


Sunday mornings we have a Children's Program including, songs, Bible Stories, Godly Play and creative activities. Suitable for 4-12year olds. All welcome.

We hold a monthly Messy Church Family Service called msg@5.
Craft, games, Bible story, song and a Family meal. Usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month, please check website for dates.

Our Playgroup is held Thursday mornings 9.30am-11am during school terms.

Any questions, please contact the church office at Turn on Javascript! or call (08) 8342 5875







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Westbourne Park Uniting


Messy Church is held twice a term – please refer to the web-site for dates
Momentum Youth is held Friday nights weekly from 6:30pm-9pm, with dinner provided, for School Years 6-12. $5 but free for first timers.
Day Camp is a week-long children's programme held during January school holidays – Reception to Year 8
Winterbourne is for students from Year 8 to Year 12 during the July school holidays
Netball Club – netball is played on Saturday afternoon (winter season) and Wednesday evening (Seniors) and Friday evenings (Juniors) for the summer season

A Dads and Daughters camp and A Dads and Lads camp held once a year.

West Lakes Uniting Church


Woodville Uniting Church


Musical Moments Playgroup for children 0 - 5 years and Musical Moments Baby Playtime for babies 0-18 months run on Tuesdays.
Crèche and Sunday School (called 'Bright Sparks') runs during the Sunday services.