Property Services
Welcome to Property Services. The Property Services team provides a range of services to serve Uniting Church congregations and is available to help you with all your property questions and needs regarding property.
What do we provide?
Advice and processing of applications for:
- building/upgrades/alterations/demolition
- sale or purchase of property
- leasing - commercial & residential
- land subdivision and other land matters
Advice regarding:
- energy & water efficiency
- building compliance
- OHS & Welfare requirements
- maintenance
- information & records concerning current & past properties
- heritage issues
- how to make the most of what property you have in a mission context
- all other property issues
- Land transactions on behalf of The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)
- Signage
- Property Sales Proceeds Policy funds management and distributions.
Please choose an area from the menu on the left or contact us using the details below the menu on the left for more information about a specific area.
Approval process
All applications to sell, purchase, build/upgrade (if structural & according to property expenditure levels above), lease (from & to another party) require:
- Church Council approval
- application form sent to Uniting Church SA office for approval by the Presbytery & Synod of SA, subject to financial limits.