Mission Centres
Mission Resourcing Centres and Hot Spots provide effective missional initiatives and resourcing for the wider church.
Contact details are:
CMLA: Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts
193 Brougham Place, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006
Phone: (08) 8267 2657
Mobile: 0422 539 028
Email: Turn on Javascript!
Website: cmla.org.au
Effective Living Centre
is part of the Christ Church Uniting Church in Wayville.
26 King William Rd. Wayville 5034
Phone: 8271 0329
Fax: 8357 9818
Email: Turn on Javascript!
Website: effectiveliving.ucsa.org.au
MediaCom - A Centre for Curriculum Development
Unit 2, Bldg 4, 32-56 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Mile End
Phone: (08) 8371 1399
Fax: (08) 8297 8719
Phone toll free: 1-800-811-311
Email: Turn on Javascript!
Website: mediacomeducation.org.au
Stillpoint Spirituality
Office co-located with Christ Church (Wayville)
26 King William Road, Wayville SA 5034
Phone: (08) 8271 0329
Email: Turn on Javascript!
Website: stillpointsa.org.au
Best office contact time: 10.00am to 2.00pm Thursday
Messages may be left at other times