WHS: First Aid
An appropriate and well maintained First Aid kit which complies with Australian Standards must be available at all times at every church property. Regularly check that the contents are not past the “use by date”. Specialised First Aid equipment may be necessary for some activities such as camping and sports events. Suitable kits can be purchased from St John Ambulance or from chemists.
Leaders should have the opportunity to gain First Aid training and be familiar with the contents and location of the First Aid kit. We recommend that all Leaders working with people should have basic First Aid training and at least one Leader present at programs/activities have current First Aid qualifications.
Leaders must be informed on what to do and be prepared to respond in the case of an emergency. Telephone access is essential and phone numbers for emergency services, parents and caregivers should be readily available.
Group bookings for training with St John Ambulance can be arranged via the Training and Development Officer.
Relevant Information
- First Aid Management Policy & Procedure – under development
- Statutory Compliance & Property Policy, please contact Building Projects and Compliance Officer at Turn on Javascript!
Relevant Forms
- First Aid Register-Injury Log - V2 (130 kb PDF)
Other Relevant Information