Safe Church Training Courses
Safe Environments– our community response to child abuse and neglect
The Uniting Church has for many years offered the opportunities for members of our Uniting Church community to participate in training to understand their legal obligation to report harm or risk of harm to children and young people.
Courses are held as needed in venues around the state.
See the training-dates page at for upcoming dates.
Safe Environments: Through their eyes
Through their Eyes full day and refresher training sessions raise awareness and understanding of individual’s legal obligation to report concerns of children / young people who are or may be at risk or harm.
The course content is developed by the Department of Human Services, conducted by accredited facilitators. It is not the Department for Education's RHAN-EC course. You can read more here. Training - Safe Church
Course dates and venues are published on the Events Calendar on the Safe Church Events Calendar
Called to Care Orientation Sessions
For our ministry to be effective we need to incorporate safe and best practices in leadership, in our programs, our actions, our behaviours and within our facilities.
Called to Care promotes and assists the Uniting Church community with relevant information about ensuring a safe physical, emotional and spiritual environment for us all.
Called to Care orientation sessions are now being offered around the state. Key congregational office holders and key leaders will gather to explore what it means to create a safe community.
Called to Care is people centred when considering:
- Pastoral care
- Risk management for People and Property
- Healthy governance
- Up to date employment/volunteer practices
Safe Environments – Through their eyes Training will continue to be conducted separately and complements this program
Please check the training dates calendar now for opportunities to participate.
Code of Ethics Training
Code of Ethics refresher sessions are provided for annual participation for Ministers and those in ministry placements. Participation in Code of Ethics Refreshers is required every year following completion of the full Code of Ethics 'The Essentials' course run by Uniting College for Leadership and Theology (UCLT).
For further information, visit or go to UCLT for details of the Essentials course.