No Secret: Resources and Help
About World Suicide Prevention Day
After a successful launch in 2004, World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) is now held every year on 10 September. On this day, numerous events, conferences, campaigns and local activities call to public attention one of the world’s largest causes of premature and unnecessary death – suicide.
The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP), in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), calls upon governments, government agencies, NGOs, international and national associations, local communities, clinicians, researchers and volunteers to be involved in the organisation of WSPD activities.
It is often asked, how can we best connect with each other in a world that appears so disconnected? We strongly believe that if our communities work together, through sharing information, expertise and time, we can do a great deal to help those who are in need, and vulnerable to suicide.
We believe that through a combined effort at an international and local level, a difference to the lives of many will be made. The aim of these activities is to promote increased awareness about the problem of suicide and the many ways in which we can work to reduce suicide rates and the incidence of suicidal behaviours.
About Suicide Prevention Australia
Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) began in 1992 as a voice for a relatively small number of individuals and organisations committed to suicide prevention and bereavement support. Today SPA is the national peak body for the suicide prevention sector in Australia with a growing role in providing policy advice to governments, community awareness and public education, increased involvement in research and a future role in leading Australia’s engagement nationally and internationally.
SPA’s mission is to deliver leadership for the meaningful reduction of suicide in Australia.
This website is managed by SPA as part of our WSPD activities.
To learn more about SPA visit
Facts about suicide in Australia
- Suicide is the leading cause of death for men and women between the ages of 15-44
- The population death rates are around 10/100,000 people every year
- Latest figures tell us that 2,866 people died by suicide in Australia in 2016
- 65,000 plan or attempt to take their life each year
- 400,000 people think about taking their life each year
- The Global Burden of Disease Report cited 36 million years of healthy life were lost as a result of suicide in 2010
National #YouCanTalk campaign
#YouCanTalk is a joint national suicide prevention campaign aimed at giving people the confidence to respond to friends and family when they need help and guide them to the right support services.
Led by some of Australia’s national mental health and suicide prevention organisations, the #YouCanTalk campaign is paving a new direction for suicide prevention in Australia.
The campaign is a collaborative effort by leading mental health and suicide prevention organisations which aims to empower and increase confidence when it comes to talking about suicide. Whether it is for conversations with friends, family, colleagues or acquaintances, #YouCanTalk also highlights the resources available to support these conversations. The main message is you don’t need to be a clinician, a GP, or a nurse to check-in with someone you are worried about.
Trust your instincts and access suicide prevention resources to assist you in having the discussion.
This includes recognising the signs that someone is thinking of suicide, how to talk about it openly and honestly and what to do if someone says they are not coping and needs help.
#YouCanTalk is about giving people the confidence to have the conversation by connecting them to the tools that can support them.
Tips to consider if you are talking to someone you are worried about:
- It is better to reach out than avoid the person for fear of getting the conversation wrong. Experts generally agree that asking someone whether they are thinking about suicide is unlikely to make the situation worse or ‘put ideas in their head’.
- If you feel uncertain if your friend or loved one may be at risk, ask the question directly – “Are you having thoughts about suicide?” and be prepared for the answer to be yes.
- Make the person feel comfortable by listening without judgement or criticism and don’t try to ‘fix’ the problem or talk them out of suicide. Just listen.
- Ensure they are safe for now and talk to the person about who else to involve so they can be supported. You can assist by connecting them with other supports and services.
- Connect with resources and supports that are available to you to help you navigate the conversation.
Source: Life in Mind is a digital gateway providing organisations and communities with access to tools such as current information, programs, services, resources and research within suicide prevention in Australia.
Knowledge is power, right? With more knowledge and understanding about suicide, we have the power to break the silence around the topic. We're also able to learn how to best support people and have conversations that are grounded in factual information.
Lifeline - Mental health resource centre
As well as running a 24 hour telephone counselling service, Lifeline also has a wealth of information posted on their website at this link.
Wesley Life Suicide Call Back Service
If there's something you don't understand about suicide and or want more information on, chances are it's on the website of the Suicide Call Back Service
Operates camps for children that have lost a close sibling. There is Starbound (13-17) or Starbear (5-12) -
CORES (Community Response to Eliminating Suicide)
CORES is a community based program which educates members of a local community on how to intervene when they encounter a person they believe may be suicidal. -
Entertainment Assist
Entertainment Assist are a charity run with the sole purpose to “promote and facilitate enhancement of mental health and wellbeing in the Australian entertainment industry”. They provide resources tailored to the arts sector, support groups and education. -
Mentally healthy workplaces: Heads Up is an initiative from beyondblue and the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, working with businesses to encourage employees, leaders and owners to take charge of creating a healthy work environment. It has interactive tools designed for all levels of management, has resources for developing action plans and ways to look out for your colleagues and yourself. -
Living Beyond Suicide
Practical support for families after losing a loved one to suicide Call 1300761193. Anglicare Living Beyond Suicide -
Mosh (Minimisation of Self Harm)
Raises awareness of suicide prevention and bereavement support. -
Kids/Youth Helpline
Kids/Youth Helpline -
QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI). QLife provides nation-wide, early intervention, peer supported telephone and web based services to people of all ages across the full breadth of people’s bodies, genders, relationships, sexualities, and lived experiences. -
Silent Ripples
Bereavement support groups, -
Assists people with mental illness, family and friends with mental health programs -
Soften the F-up
There is one common theme that underpins it all: As Australian boys and men, we’re taught to bottle up the thoughts and feelings we have. At its core, “sucking it up and just getting on with life” is built on the idea of resilience – which is a positive thing. The problem is that ignoring problems doesn’t actually build resilience. -
Square (Suicide Question and Answer Resources)
square is an integrated suicide prevention resource developed by General Practice SA and Relationships Australia SA in conjunction with the Federal and State Governments. It is part of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy and was jointly funded by the Australian Government and the Government of South Australia.