SA Synod Meeting Update 2023

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The South Australian Synod meeting commenced with the Installation of Rev Peter Morel as Moderator on Wednesday 21st June at Adelaide West Uniting Church. Congratulations were extended to Peter on his appointment.

On Thursday morning at the opening of the Synod meeting, Allen Edwards provided the Acknowledgement to Country which was followed by worship.

The Iksan Presbytery from South Korea and the Synod of South Australia signed a Memorandum of Understanding and exchanged gifts in support of on-going international mission and this also acknowledged and commemorated over 30 years of this important collaboration.

Proposals including the Strategy and Planning Mission and Property Report; Voice to Parliament; and Mission Review were presented for discussion with working groups deliberating over the afternoon session. Andrew Johnson also presented an update on Act2; and Generate, Wimala and Presbytery of Southern South Australia presented their reports during the afternoon session, as did the United Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.

Day 1 summary is available at this link. 

On Friday, 23rd June Steve Davis provided the Bible Study followed by the Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer’s report on behalf of the National President, Sharon Hollis. The General Secretary report for the South Australian Synod was presented by Sue Page and Philip Gardner. A ballot was held for the appointment of Rev Philip Gardner as the next General Secretary of the South Australian Synod and congratulations were extended to him on his successful appointment.

A Chaplaincy video update was shown; a MediaCom book launch and a range of electives were conducted for members to attend. In the afternoon the Facilitation Team Report from working groups provided feedback on key proposals and deliberations and decisions were made.

Friday evening culminated with the Celebration of Ministry service which acknowledged years of service for lay and ordained ministers and a number of retirements.

Day 2 summary is available at this link.

On Saturday, 24th June further general proposals were reported on including: Raising the age of criminal responsibility; Broadening of placement structures; Justice for Palestinians; Churches Together SA; and Justice for Asylum seekers. Deliberations and decisions were also made.

Two ballots were conducted for nomination to the 17th Assembly Standing Committee and the South Australian Synod Standing committee and congratulations were extended to all nominees elected to these important committees of the church.

Day 3 summary is available at this link.

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