Reflection of the Week - 12th March 2024

Posted in Faith

A Commentary on Jeremiah 31:31-34

Throughout Lent we’ve heard some of the high points of salvation history proclaimed to us in the first readings. These events from the Old Testament have focused on the covenants God made with His people, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David.

These covenants encapsulate the main progression of the story of Israel. Yet, they are not the end of the story. Today we hear a passage that serves as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments.

Through the prophet Jeremiah, God promised a new covenant. A biblical covenant involves God pledging Himself to His people and them pledging themselves to God. The Lord, of course, will never break His end of the bargain, but the story of the Old Testament reveals the Israelites breaking their end over and over again.

God promised them a new covenant that would supersede those of the Old Testament. This covenant would be more than just outward signs. It would be written on the hearts of the people. God Himself would dwell with His people and invite them into communion with Him.

The new covenant offers true forgiveness of sin and, therefore, reunification of humanity’s broken relationship with God. In the new covenant, we can personally know God. This covenant, of course, was established by Jesus Christ and is that which we participate in today in the Church.


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