New Times - News


Engaging with Interfaith September

We need to double our efforts to build interfaith harmony, says Rev Michael Barnes. Interfaith September is an opportunity for Uniting Church members to begin conversations on how we relate to people of other faiths.


Assembly updates

Find out more about how to access news about the 14th Triennial Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia.


Stepping towards recognition

Reflections on NAIDOC Week, the recent Kirribilli House summit and a proposal being presented by the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress at the upcoming 14th Triennial Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia.


Travelling north

From Sunday 12 July Stuart McMillan will become president of the Uniting Church - only the third lay person to ever hold the position. Matt Pulford writes about Stuart's life, ministry and work. Photo courtesy of Louisa Sams.


Gearing up for Assembly 2015

Deciphering the 60+ Assembly proposals and reports before the meeting is a challenge even for the Assembly’s members. Check out some of the highlights here and get the jump on the meeting.


UnitingWomen 2016 launched

Moderator Dr Deidre Palmer has officially launched the 2016 UnitingWomen conference, announcing opening speaker Khadija Gbla.


A call for action on climate change

Rev Prof Andrew Dutney and Rev Elenie Poulos have welcomed Pope Francis’s encyclical letter on the environment, Laudato Si.


Hope and health during Refugee Week

Refugee Week is an opportunity to recognise the great contributions that so many refugees have made to the vibrant and diverse Australian community.


Wider recognition

In 2015, the Effective Living Centre has invited Tanya Hosch, the Joint Campaign Director for the Recognise campaign, to give the Wilks Oration on Friday 12 June.


Teaching people to lead

The Uniting Church SA's Pilgrimage of Healing will be held during Reconciliation Week (27 May to 3 June) again this year.


Support for Nepal

UnitingWorld and church leaders respond to the devastation in Nepal after Saturday's earthquake, calling for prayer and monetary support.


Church leaders united in demand for mercy

The leaders of the Uniting Church in Australia have joined together in Brisbane for a time of prayer and lament over the imminent executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.


Anzac Day services

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the 25 April 1915 Gallipoli landing. Special Anzac Day services and events will be held across Australia - including at Uniting Churches. Details about some of these services can be found here.