News, Notices & Prayer points - 28th January 2025

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News & Notices – 28th January 2025

Below are the news and notices from congregations, the Synod of South Australia and the wider Uniting Church for Tuesday, 28th January 2025 edition of UC e-News

Prayer Points

We pray:

  • For wisdom, strength, and vision for the pastors, church leaders, and ministry teams as they lead the church in the year ahead.
  • For peace and joy to fill our hearts and homes this year. May we experience the true peace that only Christ can bring, and may His joy overflow in our lives and in the lives of others
  • For unity among the people of Australia, acknowledging the deep need for reconciliation with the First Nations peoples.



Australia Day Honours 2025

We extend our congratulations to the recipients of Australia Day Honours in recognition of their outstanding service to their communities and the Uniting Church in South Australia. We also acknowledge other members of the Uniting Church in South Australia who received Australia Day awards.

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)
Mr Peter Lane
Mrs Wendy Ellen Lane






Book Penny Now!

Pancake Day 2025 is to be launched on Tuesday March 4th with Penny Pancake parading in Hindmarsh Square.

Pancake Day as the annual UnitingCare SA fundraising campaign (and hopefully “fun-raising” as well) kicks off for a 4 month period where events can be held around the theme of Pancakes (or any other whacky idea that you might have in mind).

And of course, Penny Pancake is available to be booked out to appear at churches, schools, aged care facilities and any other event venue.

If you would like to book Penny at any time from March 4th, please contact Turn on Javascript! or call Johanne Manning, Administration Officer, UnitingCare SA on 8236 4255






Copyright Reminders

This is a reminder to all congregations to ensure you have permission to use any content such as photos, artwork, poems, worship songs, etc.... before you use them in worship, on brochures or posters or in any publication.

We have had some cases recently of churches being fined by organisations who are searching the internet for infringements on behalf of copyright owners.  Please be aware that if you livestream your worship, anything you put in your presentation is recorded.  This appears to be an avenue that is being used to identify copyright infringements.

If you are unsure if you have breached copyright, here are some helpful links with more information:

UCA SA - Content Guidelines

PicRights: How to Deal with a Letter Alleging Copyright Infringement

Copyright myths - Copyright Agency






Safe Church Audit 2025 – Fostering safe and welcoming spaces for everyone to thrive.

The Uniting Church SA is launching the Safe Church Audit 2025 as part of its commitment to creating safe and nurturing environments, responding to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

This annual audit allows congregations to celebrate safeguarding achievements, reflect on best practices, and align with the highest standards of care. On Thursday, 5th December, an email with all necessary details was sent to congregations, typically to the Safe Church contact, Church Council Secretary, and Ministers.

If you missed the communication or want more information, the Safe Church News is available in the Audit section of the Safe Church website. The audit is due by March 7th, 2025, allowing Church Councils ample time to prepare.

Thank you for supporting this vital work as we build a safer church community together!


Safe Church training 2025:  Upcoming dates for your diary.

Coromandel Uniting is hosting a full day Through their Eyes training on Saturday, 8th February. Registrations are open now for bookings and payment via the Safe Church website.

March 29th – Unity Hill UC is the venue for two half day sessions. Through their Eyes Refresher and Called to Care. Bookings will be available for each course in the new year.






In 2025 Uniting College in partnership with UAICC South Australia is offering two 12-week journeys into Indigenous wisdom. 

  • Yarta Wandatha: The Land is Speaking the People are Speaking with Aunty Denise Champion in the Flinders Ranges. March-May – readings + four morning online sessions 12th & 26th March, 14th & 28th May and a four-day immersion 2nd – 5th May at Alpana Station, Blinman.
  • Kungan Kaldowinyeri: Listening to Creation with Uncle Ken Sumner on the Kurangk/Coorong. August-October – readings + four evening online sessions 21st August, 4th September, 9th & 23rd October and a four-day immersion 19th – 22nd September.

Study for credit with reflective assessment or for audit without. OR cross credit this unit into your studies elsewhere.

Note: Both options have a UAICC SA additional fee to pay our Elders for their Indigenous expertise and for accommodation.

Give yourself the experience of a lifetime! Enquire now: Turn on Javascript!






Shout for Joy Church Service for People with Intellectual Disability - Southern Adelaide Information Evening

‘I have no idea what Greg prayed, as he is non-verbal, but God did.’ S4J services offer truly joyful experiences for both participants and the teams who serve. You are warmly invited to an information evening about starting a monthly S4J service in southern Adelaide. The event will be held at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, 18th February, at Southern Life, 280 Beach Road, Hackham West. For an Info Pack or to RSVP, please contact David Bailey, S4J Coordinator at Adelaide West Uniting, at Turn on Javascript! or 0408 207 675.

Shout for Joy Service for People with Intellectual Disability Info Night Tickets, Tue 18/02/2025 at 7:30 pm | Eventbrite






Grant Opportunities

2025-27 Stronger Together Grants - Funding now available.                                                               

Applications for the STRONGER TOGETHER grants, offered by the Department of the Premier and Cabinet’s Multicultural Affairs, are now open. These grants support multicultural organisations in delivering initiatives that promote healthy family relationships, mental health, and community cohesion. Eligible organisations can apply for up to $200,000 for projects running from July 2025 to June 2027. Applications close on 2 March 2025. For more details and to apply, visit or contact the Multicultural Grants Team at 1300 239 468 or Turn on Javascript!.






2024-2025 Uniting Church Lectionary released

The 2024-2025 Uniting Church Lectionary is now available to download from the Assembly, and available to order from Wayzgoose, the new online store for MediaCom and Uniting Church resources.

The new-look lectionary features a number of changes - a new poster format, additional liturgical colour coding, new listings for Uniting Church special days and an online list of worship and preaching resources. More information is available at this link: 2024-2025 Uniting Church Lectionary – Uniting Church Australia.






New Worship Music Pack released

The SA Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts is pleased to launch Music Pack #5 from the “Walk as One” songbook. This pack of six songs features Australian songs of gathering, prayer for others and ourselves, and blessing by Steve Bevis (NSW), Rosie O’Reilly (VIC), Sharonne Price (SA), David Busch (QLD) and Robin Mann (SA). Each song is included as sheet music, audio file, lyric video. Powerpoint files and text file. Music for churches of any size. More details here.







Graduate Women SA Trust (GWSAT) Scholarship

The Graduate Women SA Trust (GWSAT) is offering postgraduate scholarships for 2025 to support women pursuing advanced degrees at South Australian universities. Doctoral scholarships, valued at $6,000 each (total $24,000), are available for PhD or professional doctorate students who have completed at least 18 months of study. Masters scholarships, valued at $3,000 each (total $6,000), are available for students in research-based or thesis-including master's programs who have completed at least six months of study. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, provide academic and personal documents, and meet specific eligibility criteria. Applications close on March 31, 2025.

Postgraduate Scholarships - GWSA






Town & Country Quilt Exhibition

Walkerville Uniting Church is hosting a quilting exhibition, including prize-winning quilts, made by members of the Peterborough and Campbelltown quilters. A gold coin donation and trading table will support Bethesda Life Centre, India. Barista coffee available.
Saturday 1st February 10.00 - 4.00 pm 17 Smith Street, Walkerville (in air-conditioned comfort) For more information, please contact 0410 538 650.






Call for Expressions of Interest: Awaken Adelaide Second Cohort 2025

Mission Resourcing’s Awaken Adelaide is a six-month cohort learning experience focused on new ways of being church through dwelling, listening, and experimenting.

The first cohort, with eight congregations across three Presbyteries, concluded in June 2024. Hear feedback from participants on the Synod YouTube channel: Uniting Church in SA - YouTube.

The second cohort begins in March 2025. Congregations are invited to submit expressions of interest by February 28, 2025. For details, download the leaflet: Leaflet-Awaken Adelaide. Mission Resourcing staff are available for information sessions at Church Council meetings. For inquiries, email Turn on Javascript!.




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