News, Notices & Prayer points - 27th August 2024

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News & Notices – 27th August 2024

Below are the news and notices from congregations, the Synod of South Australia and the wider Uniting Church for Tuesday, 27th August 2024 edition of UC e-News

Prayer Points

We pray:

  • For an end to racism of all kinds and for the promotion of equality and understanding for all
  • For all Fathers as Father’s Day approaches, may we give thanks to them for their presence in our lives and for those we have lost may we remember them in our prayers
  • For continuing prayers of peace across a divided world.


What is Love? 

We love donuts and we love our mums. ‘Love’ has such diverse meanings that it can be confusing. One thing is for sure, we are all looking for it. The real thing. Love that won't let us down. But can we find it? Of course we can. Jesus said that there is no greater love than for a person to lay down their life for their friends, and then Jesus showed us that love by giving up his life on the cross for us, his friends. It’s Jesus’ love that teaches us what real love looks like.

Young people today want to know what real love actually looks like. The world they live in is sex-obsessed and saturated with counterfeit love. They are so formed by social media, forums and pornography that it is very difficult for our young people to understand why they believe what they believe and that there might be a better story out there for them. One that does not connect your ‘love-ableness’ with your perceived wealth, status, following on social media or whether or not you are in a romantic relationship.

Love is a tornado of swirling conversation for young people today. They are talking about this. How often do they get a chance to intersect that conversation with their faith?

SYC 2024, what we are calling ‘What is Love?’ is going to give young people that opportunity. Our dynamic and highly respected keynote speaker, ‘Dubsy’ Want, will speak to the love of God, displayed in the sacrificial love of Jesus. The love of God is the final word on our ‘love-ableness’ and the only kind of love that is ultimately fulfilling and completing. Read more

Registrations for SYC are now open at this link: SYC 2024 | What is Love? (





Synod Meeting 2024

The deadline for submitting proposals for Synod 24 is 2nd September 2024, it is essential for those preparing proposals to be aware of the process. To assist participants in creating a proposal, a 'How to' guide has been provided to guide you through the process. Submitting a well-crafted proposal for Synod 24 is a valuable opportunity to contribute to the discussions and decisions of Synod. The ‘How to’ guide on writing a proposal is available on the Synod website at this link






Season of Creation 2024

The Season of Creation is almost upon us! Check out the Uniting Church Australia list of resources for the month, including updated resources from the Assembly to help your community take worship outdoors. The resource has an introduction from President Rev Charissa Suli, who writes: ‘Just as we are called to weave threads of love in our communities, we are equally called to weave these threads into our relationship with creation, recognising that every act of care for the environment is an act of love for our global neighbours and future generations.’ Find all the resources here.






Cutting of Pastoral Ties Service

We invite you to attend the ‘Cutting of Pastoral Ties Service’ for Rev Wendy Prior at 4pm on Tuesday, 17th September 2024 at Uniting College for Leadership and Theology at Brooklyn Park. This is an opportunity to thank Wendy for her years of dedicated ministry. She has been an integral part of the Placements and Safe Church team since 2012, demonstrating dedication, professionalism, and care in her role. Her contributions as the Chaplaincy and Supervision manager have made a lasting impact, building strong relationships with all our chaplaincy partners in Hospitals, Schools, Correction Services and Aged Care and all of the chaplains as well. For catering purposes please RSVP to Gill Morel at this email: Turn on Javascript!.






Synod Ecumenical Relations Committee celebrates being ‘One in the Spirit’

Synod Ecumenical Relations Committee celebrates Jesus’ call to be ‘One in the Spirit.’ Does your congregation foster local ecumenical missional activities or an event? Share this news at 2024 Synod through SERC Award submissions. Congregations facilitating local ecumenism receive a Certificate of Recognition. The Award recipient receives $600 to further assist ecumenical activities. Contact Rev Anne Hewitt, SERC Chair, via Synod office, 2024 SERC Award Submissions are due 31st August.






IRCA Oceania Conference 2025

The International Rural Churches Association’s (IRCA), purpose is to build connections across the southwestern Pacific area and to bring a uniquely antipodean perspective to the IRCA family.
IRCA is hosting an international conference from 26th – 30th May 2025, with the theme ‘Listening to One Another: Sharing Together Struggles and Joy of our rural Churches in Oceania.’ The draft program can be viewed at this link: IRCAOceania2025DraftProgramme.pdf. Further information is available at this link: IRCA Oceania 2025 - International Rural Churches Association.






Safe Church Update

Safe Church trainings: Did you miss the last round of courses offered? Are you waiting for a location near you? Are you looking for a refresher for your knowledge of Mandatory Reporting? The next Through Their Eyes Refresher is being offered as a full day course, Saturday 7th September at The Journey, Ridgehaven. Called to Care – our own Uniting Church Safeguarding training is being offered on 13th October at Bordertown UC. All training sessions require preregistration via the event listing on the Safe Church Events Calendar page: Events Calendar – Safe Church (

Safe Church Screening

Have you started a screening application but found yourself stuck? Maybe you're not comfortable using a computer or find the process too complicated? The UCA Screening team is here to help! We are offering appointments between 10am and 2:30pm on Friday, 20th September, at the Synod city office to assist you in completing your screening application. Bookings are essential, so please call (08) 8236 4200 or email Turn on Javascript!  to secure your spot.






Grant Opportunities

Expand Together Grants 2024-25

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs has announced that applications for Multicultural Affairs’ (Department of the Premier and Cabinet) Expand Together Round 2 grants are now open.

These grants assist multicultural organisations to expand their capacity by upgrading community facilities or purchasing equipment to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Applications are open now and close 11pm, 31st August 2024.

Organisations are now able to apply for up to $100,000 for equipment or infrastructure, with co-contribution for applications above $50,000. Online application forms and guidelines are available at For more information, please contact the Multicultural Grants Team on 1300 239 468 or Turn on Javascript!

Celebrate Together Grants 2024-25

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs has announced that applications for Multicultural Affairs’ (Department of the Premier and Cabinet) CELEBRATE TOGETHER Round 2 grants are now open. The CELEBRATE TOGETHER grants assist multicultural organisations to host festivals and events to share their cultures, customs and traditions with all South Australians. The government recognises that festivals and events celebrate our state’s cultural diversity and showcase who we are as South Australians. Applications are open now and close 11pm, 15th September 2024.

Adelaide Fringe Fund now open

The Adelaide Fringe Fund is now taking grant applications from artists and venues planning to participate in the 2025 Adelaide Fringe. Funded through Adelaide Fringe’s foundation, Arts Unlimited, the Fringe Fund’s mission is to support bold ideas, elevate diverse voices and encourage innovation by providing financial support to artists and venues. Ahead of last season, the Adelaide Fringe Fund awarded more than 200 grants totalling $1m to artists, producers and venues participating in the 2024 festival. These grants were instrumental in enabling participants to bring their vision to Fringe. For the 2025 season, the grants will be available in two categories:

  • Australian First Nations Grants: $5,000
  • Participant Grants: $5,000.

The grants will fund operational, development and marketing costs, access providers, and regional touring. Grant applications close 10th September 2024. More information is available at this link: Adelaide Fringe - 21 February - 23 March 2025.






‘Sing a New Song’ Worship Leadership Events

The CMLA and Mission Resourcing SA are hosting two leadership development events for worship leaders, musicians and preachers. Friday evening 6th September: ‘Post-colonial Worship in Australia’ - lecture with Rev Prof Stephen Burns from the University of Divinity in Melbourne, followed by panel discussion. Saturday 7th September 9.30am-4.00pm with an address by Rev Burns followed by multiple electives including new music, worship in a multicultural church, church online, bringing Bible readings alive, Advent and Christmas ideas, copyright, and much more. Venues: Adelaide West UC and Uniting College Full program and registration details here.





COVID-19 Update

All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information in regards to COVID-19 guidelines can be found here: If you would like further assistance, please contact your presbytery or:

          Sue Page Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4217 or 0430 666 959

          Philip Gardner Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4268 or 0409 077 076.






Post-Colonial Worship in Australia

Rev Prof Stephen Burns will speak on the challenges and opportunities for Australian churches in shaping worship for this land in this time, recognising the history and presence of our First Peoples. Stephen is a lecturer and researcher with Pilgrim Theological College and the University of Divinity, based in Melbourne. The evening is being held on Friday, 6th September from 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm and includes a panel conversation and Q&A. An interdenominational event hosted by the Centre for Music Liturgy and the Arts. Venue: Uniting College for Leadership and Theology campus, Brooklyn Park. Cost $10. Bookings at this link.






L'Arche Adelaide Board Chair role

L’Arche Adelaide is a volunteer ecumenical organisation for people with and without disability. We offer faith-based care for adults with intellectual disability. We seek expressions of interest for Board Chairperson. Experience in disability sector helpful, and leadership, governance skills. Non-members can apply whilst sympathy to L’Arche Adelaide ethos required. Position is non-remunerated. Enquiries to Mel Zerner on 0418 852 353, or email Turn on Javascript!.






Sally stamp

Thanks are extended again to Churches, Fellowships, Businesses and all people who have donated stamps for the Stamp Group to process. They are about to reimburse funds for South Pacific School Aid Inc to freight books/aids to the Islands and have donated for chairs for Oodnadatta Church, NT. The Stamp Group need more stamps to keep their volunteers busy for the next few months - please put a notice in your Church Newsletters. Pick-up in the metropolitan area can be arranged. Enquiries to Maxine Haines - Convenor - UCA Stamp Group on 0427 972 417or email: Turn on Javascript!.






Ordination of Robert Cartridge

The Presbytery of Southern SA welcomes everyone to attend the ordination of Robert Cartridge. The service will take place on Friday, 20th September at 7.00 pm at Woodville Uniting Church, 44 Woodville Road, Woodville South.






MediaCom Update

Currently there are a range of publications and resources for sale in the foyer of the Synod office. These publications are offered at greatly reduced prices and available during office hours at 212 Pirie Street in the Adelaide CBD.






Taizé Brother Visiting Pilgrim Church

One of the brothers from Taizé will be visiting Adelaide. Pilgrim Church will be hosting a Midday Prayer on 31st October at 12:15pm, followed by a light lunch. Parking midweek can be challenging, so you are encouraged to use public transport or park in one of the nearby carparks (more details at

Br Matthew of Taizé shares this prayer: Eternal God, you are the source of all life. Open the ears of our hearts so that we can listen to you. And then we will hear of your love through your Word and through the beauty of your creation. And when we are faced with choices to be made, we would like to decide with you. Therein is our life.






25 Years of Together in Song

This year marks 25 years since the publication of Together in Song, Australian Hymn Book II. Together in Song has been a significant asset through its contribution to meaningful and effective worship, both traditional and contemporary. Join Christ Church Uniting Church Wayville to celebrate Together in Song on Sunday, 15th September at 2.30pm. Admission is $15, all of which will go towards the Christ Church Organ Scholarship Fund. Please book online at:






Spring Show

The SA Orchidaceous Society will hold their Spring Show in the Western Link UC Hall, 93 Crittenden Road, Findon on Saturday 7th September from 9am-4pm and on Sunday 8th September from 12noon until 4pm. Beautiful orchids will be on display and some will be available for sale. $5.00 donation incudes complimentary tea/coffee and a biscuit. More information 0430 194 808.






Connection through music and culture

African Soul is presenting an opportunity for the participants to have a unique cultural experience through music. Don't miss out on this acclaimed workshop that engages everybody, encourages curiosity and opens the participants to experience a culture far from Australia. Your workshop can be booked with, Ghanaian born Master drummer, Dancer, Singer and Tutor, Bortier Okoe. Limited spots are available, so if you wish to secure a workshop please get in touch with Turn on Javascript! to set a date in the diary.






The Uniting Church goes Net-Zero

The UCSA Synod Climate Action Plan aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions from UCSA sources by 2040. Can we do it? Yes we can! Find out about the keys to success and what strategies we can use to reach this ambitious target. Come and hear from the Environmental Action Group and join the discussion about practical ways to achieve this goal. Tickets $15 general admission, $12 concession and $5 live stream. More information is available at Synod website at this link.



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