News, Notices & Prayer points - 10th December 2024
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
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News & Notices – 25th June 2024
Below are the news and notices from congregations, the Synod of South Australia and the wider Uniting Church for Tuesday, 25th June 2024 edition of UC e-News
Prayer Points
We pray:
Safe Church Update
Safe Church trainings: Did you miss the last round of courses offered? Are you waiting for a location near you? Are you looking for a refresher for your knowledge of Mandatory Reporting? The next Through Their Eyes Refresher is being offered on Tuesday 13th August at Hope Valley. A full day course, Saturday 7th September at The Journey, Ridgehaven. Called to Care – our own Uniting Church Safeguarding training is being offered at the following: Saturday 17th August at Spicer UC, St Peters; Sunday 18th August at Westbourne Park UC and 13th October at Bordertown UC. All training sessions require preregistration via the event listing on the Safe Church Events Calendar page: Events Calendar – Safe Church (
Screening renewals: Since the introduction of the new screening requirements in 2019, reminders for expiring screenings due for renewal have been sent from the Synod’s UC SA Screening office. This year the Department for Human Services Screening Unit decided to send notifications to anyone who has a Working With Children Check that is expiring in the next 6 months. Unfortunately this has sometimes been sent to individuals before the reminder from this office which has caused some confusion regarding how and through what channels to complete the renewal. Please ensure that any reminders that are responded to are from the UCSA Screening Admin email : Turn on Javascript!. If new WWCC have been completed directly through DHS, then please advise through completing the Step 1 form found here: Screening – Safe Church ( The Synod Safe Church Screening team welcome requests from congregations to assist with bulk renewals for members who find using the online system & or access to computers challenging. Please email Turn on Javascript! to reach the synod team.
2024 Uniting Foundation Grant Round
The 2024 Uniting Foundation Grant round is now open. Uniting Foundation and UC Invest are excited to be able to provide $1million of grant funding.
A welcome video is available at this link: Uniting Foundation 2024 Grants (
The application form and eligibility criteria details are available on the Synod website page at this link: UCA SA - 2024 Grants.
Applications close 31st July 2024. For more information contact Alice Hammer on email at Turn on Javascript!.
Awaken Adelaide Learning Plenary for Missional & Multicultural Leadership
How can we equip our congregations to join in with the Spirit who moves in our multicultural neighbourhood? You are invited to a hybrid Plenary for missional and multicultural leadership with two keynote presenters:
This event is being held on Thursday 27th June from 5.30pm to 8.00 pm at the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology. Registration is free and can be made at this link: Awaken Adelaide ( This event is also offered in an online attendance option. If you wish to participate online please email to Turn on Javascript!.
This is a concluding session for the first cohort of the Mission Resourcing Congregation Pilot project titled Awaken Adelaide. Since September 2023, eight congregations from three presbyteries have been participating in a six-month process to learn a new way of being missional church through dwelling, listening, and experimenting in their neighbourhoods. Mission Resourcing is accepting new Expressions of Interest to participate in the second cohort beginning in September. For further information, please contact Rev Dr Paul Goh on Turn on Javascript! or 0416. 564.193.
Creating Authentic Christian Communities Online
On Tuesday 30th July, the Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts (CMLA) will host a second conversation about how churches can move beyond simply broadcasting their worship to more fully engaging people in Christian community and discipleship formation. Our hosts, Burnside City UC will share their online journey and tech setup. Dr Craig Mitchell will present recent research and approaches to being church online and face-to-face for discussion. 7.30-9.00pm. More information and registrations here.
MediaCom - Note from the Board
Please read this important message from the Board of Mediacom Education Inc. At this link.
Wednesday is the last chance to take advantage of the special instore only discounts to help MediaCom clear the shelves and also to say thanks to Carley, who leaves MediaCom on Thursday 27th June after four years of faithful service. Phone orders and instore only (08) 8371 1399.
Grant Opportunities
Expand Together Grants 2024-25
The Minister for Multicultural Affairs has announced that applications for Multicultural Affairs’ (Department of the Premier and Cabinet) Expand Together Round 2 grants are now open.
These grants assist multicultural organisations to expand their capacity by upgrading community facilities or purchasing equipment to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Applications are open now and close 11pm, 31st August 2024.
Organisations are now able to apply for up to $100,000 for equipment or infrastructure, with co-contribution for applications above $50,000. Online application forms and guidelines are available at For more information, please contact the Multicultural Grants Team on 1300 239 468 or Turn on Javascript!
Australia Post Community Grants Now Open
In 2024, the grants program is focused on projects that connect people and improve mental wellbeing in local communities.
Applications are open to projects that meet all the following criteria:
Applications close 11:29pm on Monday 1st July 2024. Please visit this link for more information and how to apply: 2024 Australia Post Community Grants Guidelines (
2024 Morialta Charitable Trust Grant
The 2024 Morialta Charitable Trust Grant is now open until 12th July 2024. Each year the Morialta Charitable Trust distributes approximately $500k in grants to organisations seeking to bring sustainable change to the lives of children and young people. Applications must be submitted electronically and more information is available at this link: 2024 Grants Application - open 3 June close 12 July - Morialta Charitable Trust (
HenderCare Foundation Grants
The Morialta Charitable Trust Grant is also administering the HenderCare Foundation Grants. The HenderCare Foundation Remote Communities Grant was established to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people living n remote communities. The HenderCare Foundation Disability Grant was also established for children and young people living with disability in South Australia where not all needs are covered by NDIS.
All applications should be submitted electronically at this link: 2024 Grants Application - open 3 June close 12 July - Morialta Charitable Trust (
COVID-19 Update
All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information in regards to COVID-19 guidelines can be found here: If you would like further assistance, please contact your presbytery or:
Sue Page Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4217 or 0430 666 959
Philip Gardner Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4268 or 0409 077 076.
Training in Pastoral Care
St Andrew’s Hospital is offering Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE units), and the next weekly unit will run from July-November, Thursdays from 4.00 pm – 8.30 pm. Participants will explore how to be present to others who are experiencing distress and how to offer pastoral care informed by self-awareness. For more information and cost please contact Chaplain Jenski (Rev Leanne Jenski) email: Turn on Javascript! or mobile 0417 863 635.
NCLS Research Report Disability inclusion in churches
NCLS Research have issued a report about churchgoers’ experience of disability. What impacts their participation at church? What are the main ways churches provide for their inclusion? And how do churchgoers rate the support from their church in regards to their mental health?
The Report is available at this link: Disability provisions in churches - NCLS Research
There is also an upcoming webinar on innovation in churches, on Thursday 27th June - save the date! More details about the webinar are available at this link: Webinar: Innovation in Church Life - NCLS Research.
Australian Faith Community Nurses’ Association (AFCNA)
AFCNA is offering a one-day course at Blackwood Hills Baptist Church that provides biblical responses and research-based practice to equip people for effective and 'Compassionate Care for One Another.’ The date is Friday, 28th June from 9 am - 3.30 pm. More information is available at this link: Australian Faith Community Nurses Association - Compassionate Care for One Another (
Sally Stamp
Thanks are extended for recent donations, Albums from Barry van der Berg who collected South African First Day Covers, people associated with Enfield Uniting Church who advertised our group in their newsletter, a lady from Owen, Ted White, Golden Grove Uniting Church and other donations unnamed. Funding allowed another shipment to South Pacific School Aid Inc to the Pacific Islands with a promise to fund chairs for Oodnadatta Church. Please keep the stamps coming! Maxine Haines - Convenor - Mobile 0427 972417, Email: Turn on Javascript!.
Trip to Taize
Fr Paul Monash and the Rev Joan Claring-Bould will be leading a tour to Taize, from October 11th – 24th. For more details email: Turn on Javascript! or call 0409 520 823, Turn on Javascript! or call 0487 080 087. The trip will spend 2 days in Kuala Lumpur, 6 days with the Taize community and 2 days in Paris on the way home. There is a limit of 20 people of any age. An enriching experience estimated cost $5,000.
UnitingWorld End of Financial Year Appeal
UnitingWorld is committed to raising funds to support the life-changing work of its church partners in the Pacific, Asia and Africa and is currently running its End of Financial Year Appeal. More information and how to donate is available at this link: UnitingWorld EOFY Appeal.
Adelaide Women’s Prison Request
As part of the ongoing efforts to support and uplift the women at Adelaide Women’s Prison, Frances Bartholomeusz is organizing a special art project to celebrate NAIDOC Week. This year, they plan to facilitate a series of painting activities, including canvases, and healing circles, allowing the prisoners to express their creativity and cultural heritage.
To bring this vision to life, they need art supplies, specifically paints, and brushes. The paints can be acrylic or outdoor durable paints. They kindly ask if you could reach out to your church group to request donations for these materials. Any contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference and will help them to provide a meaningful and therapeutic experience for the women.
People contact Frances at Semaphore Uniting Church 146 Semaphore Road, Exeter, or call her on 0407687311, Email Turn on Javascript!
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This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
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