News, Notices & Prayer points - 20th June 2023

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News & Notices – 20th June 2023

Below are the news and notices from congregations, the Synod of South Australia and the wider Uniting Church for Tuesday, 20th June, 2023 edition of UC e-News


Prayer Points

We pray:

  • For those impacted by the on-going refugee crisis, and who often endure dangerous journeys seeking the hope of a new life
  • For a peaceful and respectful campaigning period in the lead up to the Referendum on the Voice to Parliament
  • For all those in our community experiencing mental health issues who feel far from God’s comfort and peace.




Congregational Resource on the Voice

A two-page resource explains why the Uniting Church supports the change, a position informed by our covenant commitment with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress and our Christian call to work for practical and meaningful change that ensures all can live life abundantly.

The resource includes:

  • Simple information on why a Voice is needed, how it will work and how it will make a difference
  • Connections to our Covenant with UAICC
  • A section on 'what the Bible says'
  • Helpful starting points for a conversation.

Here is the link to the Assembly webpage, A Voice to Parliament in 2 pages - Uniting Church Australia and click here to download, print and share in your community!




HopeFULL – State Youth Conference 2023

What is there to hope in? It's a question we are finding teenagers asking in our Uniting Church youth ministries. On 9th of September 2023 we (local youth ministries in collaboration with Mission Resourcing) are running 'hopeFULL', a State Youth Conference for high school years 7-12.

At 'hopeFULL', teenagers will explore:

  • Worship experiences that will help them encounter God
  • Inspiring and challenging messages from Courtney Lush, Youth Pastor of New Life Uniting Church
  • Electives that will help you to follow Jesus in a bunch of different ways, from ‘understanding pain and suffering’ to ‘hearing God’s voice’
  • Opportunities to make new friends and connect with other young people
  • A whole lotta of fun.

Do you have a teenager in your life? Please invite them and encourage them to register, it's going to be a simply wonderful event. Registrations can be made at this link:




 Engage Together - Intergenerational Ministry

A new (updated) Engage Together: Jun-Jul worship resource is now available.

Written collaboratively across three different Synods, the free Engage Together weekly resources provide a helpful starting point for those willing to be stretched – but not too far – toward worship that is more multi-sensory, multi-intelligence and multi-ability aware. Easily accessible and readily adaptable, communities can choose to incorporate as many or as few of the ideas each week as is appropriate for their context.

Based around traditional Uniting Church liturgy and the Revised Common Lectionary, Engage Together worship resources for most weeks include creative ideas for:

  • Call to Worship
  • Songs
  • Prayer of Confession
  • Bible Reading.

Plus a ‘Take home’ idea to prompt ongoing reflection and action.

Engage Together resources encourage greater participation by people of all ages and facilitate engagement across the different generations that are present. As we seek to be a more intentionally intergenerational church, Engage Together is well worth checking out!

More information if available at this link: Engage Together: Jun-Jul 2023.

Also, another link which may be of interest:




 Applications are now open for the Australia Post Community Grants 2023

This grants program offers grants up to $10,000 to incorporated not-for-profits to support community led, local projects that connect individuals and communities to improve mental health and mental well-being in their community.

This is the fourth year that the Australia Post Community Grants program has focused on helping to improve mental health, these grants make a real difference in local communities, building connection and encouraging open and positive conversations around mental health.

Further details about Australia Post Community Grants program can be found at , including eligibility criteria and how to apply.
Applications should be submitted by midnight 2nd July 2023.




MediaCom Offer

To celebrate the 46th anniversary of the Uniting Church, MediaCom is offering 10% discount on all UCA and MediaCom publications, for this week only. UCA publications can be found here. MediaCom publications can be found here. Use the code: uniting46. Any orders can be collected at the SA Synod meeting.




Awareness raising sessions on the proposed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament:

A group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous advocates for The Voice at Pilgrim Uniting Church are available to run an engaging workshop on the topic at your church or in your community.

The session can be either 45 minutes or 60 minutes and starts with a Welcome to Country by a Kaurna elder who is a member of the Pilgrim Church. Originally, designed to engage people of all faiths and cultures, the group has also run successful workshops with Pilgrim UC communities. The workshops cover the background to the Uluru Statement from the Heart and its call for a Voice to Parliament and engages participants in reflecting their own understandings about the topic. Importantly, participants can also document any questions or arguments against the proposed constitutional change which they might have heard so that responses can be discussed.

The workshop presenters of these session would prefer to meet with representatives from interested groups to make sure that the session can be tailored to your needs. Contacts: Marelle Harisun Turn on Javascript! or Uncle Allen Edwards Snr Turn on Javascript!




2023 Refugee Week Resources for Congregations

Refugee Week (Sunday 18th June - Saturday 24th June, 2023) offers us an opportunity to build empathy and understanding for the plight of refugees, to recognise their resilience, to pray for displaced people and their homelands, and to take time to discern how God is calling us, as Christ followers, to provide compassionate care for refugees and other displaced people. The Mission Resourcing Justice Officer has prepared a one-page sheet of resources that can be used in worship, witness, advocacy, and service. It can be downloaded at this link:

2023 Refugee Week Resources for Congregations-UCA SA.pdf




Uniting Foundation Grant Round Now Open

Congregations, faith communities and individuals are invited to consider applying for financial assistance with projects which will enhance and potentially increase their missional effectiveness.

Application close 31st July 2023. Eligibility information, application forms and draft position description template are located at:




Disaster and Recovery Ministries

Would you be prepared to offer a ministry of presence, care and comfort to people affected in times of great need?

You are invited to train as a chaplain for Disaster and Recovery Ministries SA. Coordinated by the Uniting Church in SA, they provide training and coordinate teams of people from many faith groups who are able to provide pastoral and spiritual support to others in the community during times of disaster and subsequent recovery.

For more information, and training dates and times, please download the flyer located at this link: UCA SA - Disaster and Recovery Chaplain Training




Missional Needs and Opportunities Review Update

An update from the team undertaking the Review of Missional Needs and Opportunities:

The review team are looking forward to attending Synod this week and will share some updates with attendees and will look to hear more from attendees at the meeting. They have been preparing engaging material – please refer to this link for more information:

A newsletter analysis project is also well underway: thanks to those congregations who have sent newsletters through. The review team hopes to share some preliminary findings at Synod.

Further engagement is progressing with the ministers’ survey, general survey (launching soon!), interviews, and focus groups. And of thoughtful comments can be sent through via email. Keep them up! Turn on Javascript!.




Free Digital Literacy Training

Do you know anyone on a low income (or no income) who would appreciate some help to do things online? FREE help for people who have lived in South Australia 5+ years and are on a low income or no income. Book in here:

Development at Work Australia seeks 40 people who need free digital literacy help in June/July to take part in this program. It starts with a mini-session of 2-3 people, at a suitable nearby venue, then participants are invited to free workshops. Participants can use a library PC or bring their own device.

People can get help to do anything basic to help them with everyday living including using email, using zoom, using LinkedIn/face book, writing a document, applying for jobs online, finding information and staying safe/avoiding scammers. More details are available on the booking link. Enquiries can be directed to Bridget Hogg, 0403 941 222 or email Turn on Javascript!.




Voice Banners now available

The Synod of VIC/TAS has designed a banner in support of the Voice to Parliament and the banner has been endorsed by the National Assembly. There are four colour options for those congregations that wish to display a banner in support of the Voice to Parliament. The designs are available to view at this link: UCA SA - Voice to Parliament Resources

If you would like to order a banner please email the Engagement Ministry Centre at Turn on Javascript! and include the following details with your order:

  • Name of congregation
  • Name of contact person at congregation
  • Type of banner required e.g. corflute, canvas
  • Size of banner, please include number of eyelets required
  • Indicate colour choice of your design (3 options to choose from)
  • Clearly indicate any additional words you would like included in the design.

There is no design fee, however there will be a print and postage and handling fee for all requests. Once an order is received, Engagement will let you know the print quote cost for your banner, before progressing your requirements.




Expressions of Interest for Mission Resourcing Congregation Pilot due date extended

The due date for the submission of Expressions of Interest for the Mission Resourcing Pilot project has been extended to Friday, 30th June, 2023.

This Intercultural Congregation Pilot is a six-month process for congregations to learn about new ways of being a church in an increasingly multicultural neighbourhood. This will be done through a cohort learning experience with a joint coaching team to cultivate congregational leadership for intercultural engagement and missional renewal in their neighbourhoods.

A one-page flyer can be downloaded at this link: Intercultural Congregation Pilot Flyer-final.pdf

A four-page leaflet can be downloaded at this link:  Leaflet-Awaken Adelaide-final.pdf

The first round of cohorts is planned to launch in July or later this year, your congregation is invited to submit an expressions of interest at this link:  Rev Dr Paul Goh is available to provide an information session to your Church Council meeting with a 15-minute presentation followed by Q&A. Please contact Paul on Turn on Javascript! or call 0416 564 193.




Raising our Tribal Voice for Justice: An Indigenous Theological Revolution 2023 Conference (10th – 13th July 2023)

The School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity is pleased to announce a four-day conference entitled ‘Raising Our Tribal Voice for Justice: An Indigenous Theological Revolution.’ This is the first ever national ecumenical platform where Indigenous theologians from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific will raise up their voices and challenge churches across denominations to call their followers to action in addressing injustice, inequality and systemic failings of churches history to protect, nourish, and benefit from Indigenous peoples and their knowledge. More information and how to book is available at this link: Raising our Tribal Voice for Justice Tickets, St John's Anglican Cathedral, Brisbane City | TryBooking Australia




Uniting Church National History Society 2023 Conference (24th – 27th August 2023)

Registrations for the Uniting Church National History Society's 2023 Conference are now open. For information and details about how to register for the conference please download the promotional flyer at this link or contact Judy Orme email: Turn on Javascript!.




National Lay Preachers Conference 2023 (4th – 7th August 2023)

The Queensland Synod is pleased to host on behalf of the National Lay Preacher Committee, the 2023 National Conference of Lay Preachers to be held Friday 4th August to Monday 7th August 2023 at Alexandra Park Conference Centre, Sunshine Coast Queensland.

For Lay Preachers, prospective Lay Preachers and those interested in leading worship. Share in a wonderful few days and be encouraged, supported and challenged in your ministry. Further information is available at this link: National Conference of Lay Preachers 2023 - Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod (




Grant Opportunity

The Expand Together grants assist multicultural organisations to expand their capacity by upgrading community facilities or purchasing equipment to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Apply for up to $100,000. Applications for Round 2 open on 1st June 2023 and close on 30th August 2023. Find out more.




COVID-19 Update

All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information in regards to COVID-19 guidelines can be found here: If you would like further assistance, please contact your presbytery or:

              Sue Page Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4217 or 0430 666 959

              Philip Gardner Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4268 or 0409 077 076.




Sally Stamp

Sally Stamp asks that people continue to send stamps to the Uniting Church office, to help with this ministry. The group also suggests that people consider asking local businesses to save their stamps, with doctor’s surgeries being one of the best sources of stamps! Any donations of private collections no longer required are also gratefully received. In 2022 donations were made to the following: South Pacific School Aid Inc. ($4,700); Frontier Services ($1,000); and The Grove U/C Kids Craft Group ($1,000). Pick up can be arranged in metropolitan areas. Contact: Maxine Haines (Convenor), Phone: 0427 972 417, email: Turn on Javascript!.




Volunteering Red Dove Café 2023

There are just over 10 weeks away for the Red Dove Café for 2023 at the Royal Adelaide Show. Money raised from this café goes to mission in South Australia. The organisers are seeking people to fill 800+ shifts for the period 1st – 10th September this year. If you are interested please contact Volunteer Coordinators, on email Turn on Javascript! or call Janet on 0432 271 757.




End of Financial Year Tasks

As we approach June 30th, 2023 a reminder that there are two key financial tasks that need to be completed on behalf of congregations

Audited Financial Statements: As per the Uniting Church in Australia Regulations (Item 3.8.7 (g)), a Congregation’s audited (or checked) 2022 financial statements should be forwarded to the Synod’s Financial Services Team by June 30th, 2023. The financial statements to be received, should include:

(1) A Balance Sheet (also known as Statement of Financial Position)

(2) A Statement of Revenue and Expenditure (also known as Statement of Financial Performance or a Profit & Loss Statement)

(3) Any referenced Notes to the Accounts

(4) An Audit Statement. Audit regulations can be found on the Assembly website at:

If not already completed, please forward these financial statements as soon as possible. For any questions or concerns contact Financial Services on (08) 8236 4200.

Australian Charities and Not-for profits Commission (ACNC)

The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities. 

The ACNC requirements apply to all Uniting Church SA entities, regardless of their size.

To maintain a current registration with the ACNC, every Uniting Church congregation needs to submit an Annual Information Statement (AIS) to the ACNC within six months from the end of your financial year. For most congregations the due date for the 2022 AIS is June 30th, 2023.

Congregations that do not submit their AIS will be considered non-compliant by ACNC and risk the prospect of deregistration. Any congregation deregistered by the ACNC will also lose its tax concessions, including income tax, GST and FBT concessions.

Please find below a link to the ACNC's AIS Hub, which can assist you in completing your AIS:

Additional information:

  • Congregations are required to keep details up-to-date. This includes each time there is a change to church council membership
  • Log in to the ACNC Charity portal using the user name and password that has been mailed to your congregation, and record the details of the congregation’s ‘Responsible Persons’ (church council members)
  • If you have misplaced these login details, please contact the ACNC on 13 22 62 and request that they re-send the login details to you
  • If your congregation has a financial year end other than June 30th (i.e. most UC entities have December 31st) and you have not yet notified the ACNC, please complete the application for a substituted accounting period within the ACNC Charity portal in order to avoid administrative penalties for late lodgement.




Laudato Sì – Hope for the Earth. Hope for the Poor, July 2nd Unley Uniting Church

Rev Dr Michael Trainor will offer an overview of this significant theological document that speaks into all our Churches, and as individuals. Your Church may wish to organise a team, to attend and share this overview with your community. Resources will be available. We celebrate Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Day, and focus on Jesus’ call to justice, peace-making, inclusion and healing. Cuppa and Conversation in great company! Booking link: Churches Together SA 2023 - Laudato Si' Event (




Imagination, Friendship & Spirituality 23rd July 2pm-4pm St John’s Halifax St Anglican Church Hall

Dr Antonia Spizzey, via video presentation, will share a new take on ecumenical engagement through Jesus’ call to us to be Friends. This is based on her exceptional paper presented at the 2022 International Receptive Ecumenism Conference V.  Come share in a Cuppa and Conversation over Devonshire Tea around the table with friends. Why not bring a table from your church? RSVP so you don’t miss out on scones! (Gluten Free available). Booking link: Churches Together SA 2023 - Ecumenical Learning Event (




Listening Circles – Listening with our Heart

Understanding the Uluru Statement from the Heart and Referendum. Rev Anne Hewitt is happy to facilitate a Listening and Learning time with your Church, community and local ecumenical networks, to offer space and prayerful insight, for greater understanding, concerns or questions. She looks forward to hearing from you, to arrange a suitable date, time and space, to assist those who wish to understand more, so they feel educated and equipped in their decision making later in the year. City and regional areas considered. Contact, Rev Anne Hewitt, Mobile: 0475 016 789 or email Turn on Javascript!.



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