News, Notices & Prayer points - 17th December 2024
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
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News & Notices – 16th April 2024
Below are the news and notices from congregations, the Synod of South Australia and the wider Uniting Church for Tuesday, 16th April 2024 edition of UC e-News
Prayer Points
We pray:
Call for Refugee advocacy action in response to Migration Bill
In the last sitting days of Federal Parliament in March, the Labor Government attempted to push through changes to Australia’s migration laws. Advocates for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers have expressed grave concern for this legislation because it vastly increases the power of Government to punish asylum seekers living in Australia and prevent asylum seekers coming here from abroad. The Australian Church Refugee Taskforce, of which the Uniting Church Assembly is a member, has produced a briefing note for Church members to better understand the proposed Bill. The brief also calls for a letter writing action to the Minister. You can read the briefing paper at this link: file (]. If you have any questions, please contact the ACRT via email at Turn on Javascript! or Synod Justice Officer, Paul Goh, at Turn on Javascript!.
2024 Earth Sunday Resource for Congregations
Global Christian churches are invited to celebrate God’s creation on the Sunday closest to Earth Day, which is 21st April for this year. An Earth Sunday ecumenical resource on plastics entitled “Plastic Jesus: Real Faith in a Synthetic World” is produced to help congregations think more deeply about the ways that plastics impact our lives and God's creation. It contains stories of individuals and communities making a positive impact, sermon starters to spark meaningful discussions in your congregation, worship resources to unite in prayer and reflection, and actionable steps to address the plastic crisis in your life, community and our world. It is available to download at the link here: Plastic Jesus_2024 Earth Day Resource.pdf
For Earth Day 2024 on April 22nd, we are encouraged to join a global campaign to end plastics for the renewal of God's earth and climate justice, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of all plastics by 2040. For more information, go to Earth Day 2024 | Activities & Resources for April 22 - Earth Day
Inaugural Kidney Journey and Information Sharing Event
Please join Kidney Warrior Jared Kartinyeri as he prepares to host a family friendly Kidney Yarning event with the support of the Aboriginal Berean Community Church on Sunday, 21st April from 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm at the Aboriginal Berean Community Church Hall. RSVP to Jared on 0428 415 942 or email Turn on Javascript!. Kidney information is available from Turn on Javascript! and
Safe Church training opportunities
Through their Eyes (formerly known as Mandatory Reporting) is being offered for individuals who are seeking to understand their legal obligation for reporting concerns when a child is or may be at risk of harm. The full day session is designed for anyone who hasn’t participated before or it’s been more than 4 years since they last participated in this training. The ½ day refresher is for those to keep their knowledge fresh. It is recommended that this should be done every 3-4years. Several dates are now becoming available with bookings now open. Full day cost $30, ½ Day Refresher $25.00. Full Day Wednesday 24th April at Uniting Venues Nunyara, Belair; Full day and Refresher Saturday 18th May at Uniting College for Leadership and Theology, 312 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Brooklyn Park.
Called to Care This is the Uniting Church awareness 3 hour session about safeguarding practices and responsibilities. Church Council members and leaders are invited and encouraged to participate in these sessions. Pre attendance booking is required for this free session: Sunday 5th May at Rosefield UC Highgate; Saturday 15th June at Henley Fulham UC, Fulham Gardens.
To see dates listed on the Safe Church Events Calendar please go to:
Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry – Leader (FTML)
Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry is a 3-day program designed to give participants an introduction to the key concepts and practices of ministering with congregations and agencies in times of transition.
While it is a stand-alone program, it is also the first phase of training that leads to being qualified as an Intentional Interim Minister. Thus, it is useful for anyone in lay or ordained ministry, and also for those exploring whether they are called to Intentional Interim Ministry.
1st , 8th, and 15th of May 2024 from 10 am to 4 pm each day. This course is delivered fully online via Zoom. This is a nation-wide training, and people from all Synods are warmly welcome to register. For more information and to register please visit: Fundamentals of Transitional Ministry – Leader | May - UCA
One Day Conference South Australian 2024 History Festival
The South Australian Church History Network is finalising the program for a one-day conference during SA’s History Festival. The theme of the day is ‘Paradise of Dissent Revisited: 1836-1900.’ 18 presenters will share a wide range of papers from almost all main line church traditions in SA. We expect that these insights will open up new areas in the religious history of nineteenth century South Australia and explore the way churches and Christians influenced social and public life.
The program will also include a book launch of One Faith, Many Voices: Essays on South Australian Church History, a collection of significant essays about SA religious history produced by David Hillard over many years.
The conference will be held on Saturday 4th May 2024, 9.00am – 5.00pm at the Church of the Trinity, 318 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park and morning/afternoon tea will be provided. Your donation of $30 on the day will support this growing partnership between churches and historians from many backgrounds.
Members of the Network are committed to increasing the awareness of SA religious history within the wider history of SA. Christian presence contributed to the civic and social life of the Province and the notion of ‘Paradise of Dissent,’ was distinctive in the Australian context.
To find out more and to register for the conference contact Rev Dr Dean Eland, SACHN Convener at Turn on Javascript!.
Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church South Australia Historical Society
The 2024 AGM of the UC SA Historical Society will be held on Sunday 23rd June the day after UCAs 47th anniversary. The meeting will be held at Unley Uniting Church, 187 Unley Road (side entrance off Edmund Ave). All those interested in church history are welcome.
The 2.00pm formal session will receive annual reports and elect Council members. Highlights for the year include support from Genealogy SA in scanning records, agreement to upgrade property to increase storage capacity, grants for publications and support to the SA Church History Network for their 4th May conference day, Paradise of Dissent Revisited.
At 2.30pm three former SA Synod Moderators will share their insights on their time in office: Dr Don Hopgood, (1997-1999), Dr Deidre Palmer (2010-13) and Rev Sue Ellis (2013-2016).
The meeting will conclude at 3.30pm with afternoon tea. For information about the Society contact the History Centre 44A East Ave Black Forest. Phone 8297 8472. Email Turn on Javascript!. Research enquiries and archives. Email Turn on Javascript!. More about the society on their web site Facebook: UCA Historical Society – South Australia. Rev. Dr Dean Eland. President. Email Turn on Javascript!
Grant Opportunities
Grassroots Grants Open
Green Adelaide is launch Round 5 of its Grassroots Grants Program. Funding is available for the delivery of local projects that contribute to a cooler, greener and wilder Adelaide. More information is available at this link: Grassroots Grants | Green Adelaide.
Mark Butler MP Grants
The office of Mark Butler MP has compiled a list of key grants that may be available to organisations in the electorate of Hindmarsh across the Western Suburbs. The MPs office has also established an online Grants Hub which will be regularly updated. You can access the Grants Hub at
COVID-19 Update
All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information in regards to COVID-19 guidelines can be found here: If you would like further assistance, please contact your presbytery or:
Sue Page Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4217 or 0430 666 959
Philip Gardner Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4268 or 0409 077 076.
Synod Ecumenical Relations Committee (SERC) Update
The Synod Ecumenical Relations Committee (SERC) has extended its submission date to match in with the date of this year’s Synod meeting in October. As such SERC is now calling for submissions for the 2024 award, either in writing or electronically and these should be received by the secretary, Don Hopgood 19 Ray Ave, Morphett Vale 5162, email: Turn on Javascript! no later than 31st August.
Use word and pictures (if possible) to make clear what you have undertaken and the measure of your success. The award recipient will receive $600, or this amount may be divided between two or more entrants if appropriate. All entrants will receive a certificate acknowledging their willingness to engage in ecumenical activities and these will be presented at the Synod meeting October 2024. Further information about the award is available from either Velvy Holden (Chairperson SERC) Turn on Javascript! or Don Hopgood (Secretary SERC) Turn on Javascript!.
Oodnadatta Fundraiser
It has been identified that there are no property funds available to provide furniture for the almost completed Oodnadatta building. As such, Fellowship and Mission Support have offered to undertake a fundraiser for all Fellowship and Friendship circles to buy a chair at $80 each (and add in the transport costs). It is hoped that they will be able to raise enough funds for 60 chairs. Donations should be sent to Ms Janet Woodward, Fellowship & Mission Administration, 312 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Brooklyn Park 5032 or can be made to BSB 704095 / account number 195684 / Account Name: UCFAMS / Reference: Oodnadatta. Further information is available from Rev Sue Ellis, 0427 162 009 email: Turn on Javascript!.
Fellowship Future Together Gathering
This event will be held on Friday, 19th April 2024 at Burnside City Uniting Church. Every Fellowship are invited to send a representative to listen and discern together. Ruthmary Bond will share; Allen Edwards will lead the Welcome and talk about the elections of the Voice to SA Parliament; and Jamie Webster will lead music. This event will commence at 10.00 am, morning tea provided, 10.30 am start, and will finish with lunch. Cost $15.00. Bookings can be made at this link:
Wesley Lifeforce Suicide Memorial Service
If you’ve been impacted by the loss of a loved one to suicide, come together with a supportive community at the Wesley LifeForce Suicide Memorial Service to remember lives lost. Monday, 29th April 2024 from 12.30 pm – 1.30 pm at the Adelaide Convention Centre – Regattas. For more details, visit Wesley Lifeforce Adelaide - Suicide Memorial Service 2024 ( If you would like to promote this event at your local church, download the resource pack: Wesley LifeForce Suicide Memorial Service Adelaide 2024 GV (
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This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
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