News, Notices & Prayer points - 11th June 2024

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News & Notices – 11th June 2024

Below are the news and notices from congregations, the Synod of South Australia and the wider Uniting Church for Tuesday, 11th June 2024 edition of UC e-News

Prayer Points

We pray:

  • For the protection of all children who are at risk of exploitation in all its various forms
  • For the people of Gaza, we continue to pray for an end to this terrible war
  • For all families, and parents, may they have the strength to nurture their children in faith and love, and may they always feel Your presence in their lives.




Refugee Week 

Refugee Week runs from 16th – 22nd June and the theme is ‘Finding Freedom: Family.’ This theme aims to shed light on the transformative power of familial bonds in the face of adversity. It will also emphasise the crucial role families play in providing solace, support and a sense of belonging to those forced to flee their homelands. The Refugee Council of Australia makes several resources available to the public at Refugee Week Resources - Refugee Week. A four-page resource has been developed for Uniting Church congregations planning to include a focus on Refugee Week in their services in June. It is available to download at this link: 2024 Refugee Week Resource.pdf.




2024 Uniting Foundation Grant Round

It is with great excitement that we announce $1million will be available in this year's grant round to fund missional projects across the Synod. This is due to a generous contribution from UCInvest.

Some of our eligibility criteria has changed so please make sure you check these out before applying.

Information will be available shortly, so watch this space. The grant round is due to open in late June and will close on 31st July.





Awaken Adelaide Learning Plenary for Missional & Multicultural Leadership

How can we equip our congregations to join in with the Spirit who moves in our multicultural neighbourhood? You are invited to a hybrid Plenary for missional and multicultural leadership with two keynote presenters:

  • Rev Dr Karina Kreminski, Mission Catalyst at NSW and ACT Synod
  • Rev Meewon Yang, OAM, Multicultural Consultant at Baptist Union of Victoria.

This event is being held on Thursday 27th June from 5.30pm to 8.00 pm at the Uniting College for Leadership and Theology. Registration is free and can be made at this link: Awaken Adelaide (

This is a concluding session for the first cohort of the Mission Resourcing Congregation Pilot project titled Awaken Adelaide. Since September 2023, eight congregations from three presbyteries have been participating in a six-month process to learn a new way of being missional church through dwelling, listening, and experimenting in their neighbourhoods. Mission Resourcing is accepting new Expressions of Interest to participate in the second cohort beginning in September. For further information, please contact Rev Dr Paul Goh on Turn on Javascript! or 0416. 564.193.





Support Bush Chaplains and Transform lives this Tax Season

Bush Chaplains cover an average of 3,103 kilometers a day to check on people, offer assistance, and provide much-needed emotional support. This is equivalent to driving from Melbourne to Perth every day. But this essential work is expensive. The costs of fuel, vehicle repairs, and communication tools add up quickly.

Your tax-deductible donation can provide immediate and practical support, such as:

  • Covering the cost of fuel
  • Funding a satellite phone and Starlink Internet connection
  • Repairing and maintaining a Bush Chaplain’s vehicle.

Without your help, our Bush Chaplains cannot meet the urgent needs of people in remote communities. Your kindness ensures that no one has to face hardship alone. For more information and to donate please visit: Support Bush Chaplains and Transform Lives This Tax Season (






CMLA Update

The Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts has released a new Worship Music Pack of five Australian songs with music scores, audio and presentation media. Details of Music Pack #2 here. ‘Sing a New Song’ - a Worship and Music Leadership event is planned for Saturday 7th September with a range of electives and guest speaker Rev Dr Stephen Burns from Pilgrim Theological College in Melbourne. Advance information here. Visit the CMLA website for links to our Facebook page and group.






MediaCom – Massive Mid-year Sale!

Get 30% off on in-store stock only of:

Additionally, enjoy generous clearance rates on many items, priced from $5.00 in-store only.

Visit us instore or give MediaCom a call to take advantage of these discounts! 30% discount applied at check out. Centre open between 10.00 am and 2.00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.





Safe Church training opportunities

Called to Care This is the Uniting Church awareness 3-hour session about safeguarding practices and responsibilities. Church Council members and leaders are invited and encouraged to participate in these sessions. Pre attendance booking is required for this free session: Saturday 15th June at Henley Fulham UC, Fulham Gardens.

To see dates listed on the Safe Church Events Calendar please go to:






The Annual General Meeting of the Uniting Church South Australia Historical Society

The 2024 AGM of the UC SA Historical Society will be held on Sunday, 23rd June the day after the UCAs 47th anniversary. Meeting at the Unley Uniting Church the formal session at 2.00pm will receive the annual report and elect Council members.

Highlights for the year include support from Genealogy SA in scanning records, agreement to upgrade property to increase storage capacity, grants for publications and support of the SA Church History Network on their 4th May conference day, Paradise of Dissent Revisited.

At 2.30 three former SA Synod Moderators will share their insights on their time in office:  Dr Don Hopgood (1997-1999), Dr Deidre Palmer (2013-16) and Rev Sue Ellis (2016-2019). They will comment on three questions.

  • What was a surprise to you in discovering something about a congregation that you did not know before?
  • In your term as Moderator what did you discover about the significance of church anniversaries and the importance of celebrating the gifts and commitment of those who served and witnessed over many years?
  • Yesterday we celebrated the 47th anniversary of the Uniting Church. What could the UC SA Historical Society do in the next three years to assist congregations prepare for the UCAs Jubilee in June 2027?

The forum will conclude at 3.30pm with afternoon tea. For information about the Society contact the History Centre 44A East Ave Black Forest. Phone 8297 8472. Email Turn on Javascript!. Research enquiry and archives. Email Turn on Javascript!. More about the society on their web site Facebook: UCA Historical Society – South Australia. Rev Dr Dean Eland. President, email: Turn on Javascript!.





Grant Opportunities

Expand Together Grants 2024-25

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs has announced that applications for Multicultural Affairs’ (Department of the Premier and Cabinet) Expand Together Round 2 grants are now open.

These grants assist multicultural organisations to expand their capacity by upgrading community facilities or purchasing equipment to meet the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Applications are open now and close 11pm, 31st August 2024.

Organisations are now able to apply for up to $100,000 for equipment or infrastructure, with co-contribution for applications above $50,000. Online application forms and guidelines are available at For more information, please contact the Multicultural Grants Team on 1300 239 468 or Turn on Javascript!

Mark Butler MP Grants
The office of Mark Butler MP has compiled a list of key grants that may be available to organisations in the electorate of Hindmarsh across the Western Suburbs. The MPs office has also established an online Grants Hub which will be regularly updated. You can access the Grants Hub at




COVID-19 Update

All existing directions, frequently asked questions and other information in regards to COVID-19 guidelines can be found here: If you would like further assistance, please contact your presbytery or:

              Sue Page Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4217 or 0430 666 959

              Philip Gardner Turn on Javascript! or phone (08) 8236 4268 or 0409 077 076.





Wilks Oration 2024

The Effective Living Centre (ELC) is holding the Wilks Oration on Thursday, 20th June at 7.00pm at 26 King William Road, Wayville. This year's oration will be presented by Dr Richard Denniss, the Executive Director of the Australian Institute in Canberra. The title of the oration is Unequal Australia: What went wrong and how we fix it. More details about this oration are available at this link: 2024 Wilks Oration - Richard Denniss | Humanitix.






Oodnadatta Fundraiser

It has been identified that there are no property funds available to provide furniture for the almost completed Oodnadatta building. As such, Fellowship and Mission Support have offered to undertake a fundraiser for all Fellowship and Friendship circles to buy a chair at $80 each (and add in the transport costs). It is hoped that they will be able to raise enough funds for 60 chairs. Donations should be sent to Ms Janet Woodward, Fellowship & Mission Administration, 312 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Brooklyn Park 5032 or can be made to BSB 704-095 / account number 195684 / Account Name: Uniting Church Adult Fellowship / Reference: Oodnadatta. Further information is available from Rev Sue Ellis, 0427 162 009 email: Turn on Javascript!.





Training in Pastoral Care

St Andrew’s Hospital is offering Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE units), and the next weekly unit will run from July-November, Thursdays from 4.00 pm – 8.30 pm. Participants will explore how to be present to others who are experiencing distress and how to offer pastoral care informed by self-awareness. For more information and cost please contact Chaplain Jenski (Rev Leanne Jenski) email: Turn on Javascript! or mobile 0417 863 635.






NCLS Research Report Disability inclusion in churches

NCLS Research have issued a report about churchgoers’ experience of disability. What impacts their participation at church? What are the main ways churches provide for their inclusion? And how do churchgoers rate the support from their church in regards to their mental health?

The Report is available at this link: Disability provisions in churches - NCLS Research

There is also an upcoming webinar on innovation in churches, on Thursday 27th June - save the date! More details about the webinar are available at this link: Webinar: Innovation in Church Life - NCLS Research.





Australian Faith Community Nurses’ Association (AFCNA)

AFCNA is offering a one-day course at Blackwood Hills Baptist Church that provides biblical responses and research-based practice to equip people for effective and 'Compassionate Care for One Another.’ The date is Friday June 28th from 9 am - 3.30 pm. More information is available at this link: Australian Faith Community Nurses Association - Compassionate Care for One Another (






UnitingWorld – Papua New Guinea Landslide Appeal

A serious landslide occurred in Enga Province in the highlands of Papua New Guinea on 24th May 2024. UnitingWorld is working through its membership in the Church Agencies Network – Disaster Operations (CAN DO) to support joint relief and recovery efforts. Donations can be made at this link: PNG Landslide Emergency Appeal 2024 (






Sally Stamp

Thanks are extended for recent donations, Albums from Barry van der Berg who collected South African First Day Covers, people associated with Enfield Uniting Church who advertised our group in their newsletter, a lady from Owen, Ted White, Golden Grove Uniting Church and other donations unnamed. Funding allowed another shipment to South Pacific School Aid Inc to the Pacific Islands with a promise to fund chairs for Oodnadatta Church. Please keep the stamps coming! Maxine Haines - Convenor - Mobile 0427 972417, Email: Turn on Javascript!.






Friendship Club

The Western Link Uniting Church Friendship Club at 93 Crittenden Road, Findon meets on the third Thursday of every month with a varied program of entertainment. On Thursday 20th June at 1.30pm ‘The Molfettese Singers’ are the entertainers, and this is the third time they have been invited which highlights their popularity. Come along and enjoy fellowship. Donation of $10 includes afternoon tea. Enquiries: (08) 8443 8145 (Pam).






Hope for a generation gripped by anxiety

Anxiety is a normal response to stressful human circumstances, but when it takes control, it can leave you feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and exhausted. Today, anxiety levels are at a record high among youth in New Zealand and Australia, impacting families, schools, and churches. As ministry leaders, how can we provide meaningful support? You are invited to join an upcoming webinar, ‘Hope for a Generation Gripped by Anxiety - in Every Community,’ to explore effective ways to address this issue.

Webinar Details: Date: 20th June, 2024 at 10.00 am AEST.

Registration Link:






Trip to Taize

Fr Paul Monash and the Rev Joan Claring-Bould will be leading a tour to Taize, from October 11th – 24th. For more details email: Turn on Javascript! or call 0409 520 823, Turn on Javascript! or call 0487 080 087. The trip will spend 2 days in Kuala Lumpur, 6 days with the Taize community and 2 days in Paris on the way home. There is a limit of 20 people of any age. An enriching experience estimated cost $5,000.


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