News, Notices & Prayer points - 28th January 2025
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
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Over December and early January, New Times received a number of letters relating to articles and letters from past editions. We have decided to publish a selection of the letters pertaining to these past pieces online, rather than in the print edition, to help avoid confusion for new readers of the print edition.
To assist in understanding the context of the letters below, please see the December 2015 letters here and the November 2015 letters on page 19 here. To avoid confusion, we will not be accepting responses to the letters below at this time. The editorial team is currently working on a new letters policy, which will help to clarify procedures in future.
If you have any questions about this decision, or if you would like to write a letter, please email Turn on Javascript!
Celebrating youth ministry
Thank you, E Prior, Dernancourt, for your reference in November New Times of the youth ministry in Kapunda. They commenced early term 1, 2015, and held 35 Friday nights through the rest of the school year. Over three years, God brought three Christian teachers into our high school – Grigor Fahlbusch, Christie Bridge, and Craig Cope – all with youth work experience. With a great burden on their hearts, they approached all of our churches and found a number of people across the denominations to join as a team to commence the program. The highest attendance for the year was 150 toward the end of term one. Numbers have been steady around 65 for most of the year. Several young people have recommitted their lives, several others have made commitments. A discipleship class now meets before youth group for an hour with a number of the young people attending. This is exciting for our community, especially after our recent fires. Praise God with us, and please pray for the whole team, especially those teachers, and for our young people.
A. Fahlbusch,
God’s deep love
R. Anderson (November 2015, New Times) suggests that the acceptance of same sex marriage is something that “separates mankind from God completely.” Perhaps we need to consider an alternative – that one of the factors separating humankind from God is hatred perpetrated by Christians.
It often feels like the church is actively trying to keep me and people like me away from God. I am well aware that I am not welcome in most congregations in South Australia, due to my sexuality. I find Romans 8:39 comforting. “Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” This provides hope for us all. In the same way that church-based homophobia cannot separate me from the love of God, acceptance of same sex marriage cannot separate other people from God's love.
We are all deeply loved by God.
R. Dow-Schmidt,
Calling for obedience
The debate has started and the opposing views are clearly seen. How do we approach the issue of same sex marriage, carnally or by the Holy Spirit? Do we ask ourselves what would Jesus do? Do we pursue to know the completeness of God? Acts 20:27 shows us Paul’s desire in this matter. Paul’s desire to give solid food, but he can't teach because the Corinthians were worldly (1 Corinthians 2 & 3).
We all acknowledge God's love, mercy, forgiveness, and grace but he also calls for obedience. We are in awe of Gods creation and we are wonderfully made male and female, temples of the Holy Spirit. Scripture clearly tells us what we are called to be and behave, the alternatives have clear conclusions. The call for justice and equality in this issue diminishes God's creative purpose. Those who promote the marriage of same sex couples will like all of us be accountable ultimately to Jesus Christ the saviour of this world, come Lord Jesus.
C. Johnson,
A response to the December letters
Not approving of behaviours/choices that oppose the Bible’s instructions has nothing to do with loving people. I have been nursing for nearly 20 years and have given the love of Christ to all, no matter what their personal choice. I am sure many Christians would struggle to give or even show the love of Christ in some of the circumstances I have been presented with.
Jesus always took in the sinner, but always told them to sin no more.
R. Anderson,
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This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
This week's news, notices & prayer points from congregations, the SA Synod, and the wider Uniting Church.
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