How do Human Rights shape a Just Society?

By Mark Waters

Posted in Faith

Every person has the right to education (Article 26 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948), but not everyone gets it. In fact, some congregations that support school breakfast programs know all too well that children going to school without breakfast can fall behind their peers because of their inability to maintain attention and focus.

Everyone has the right to work … without discrimination ... (Article 23 – UN Declaration) but we know all too well that some people are exploited in the workplace or find it difficult to get and maintain work.

These are just two examples of the sorts of rights that could be considered as part of a South Australian Inquiry into Human Rights through Parliament’s Social Development Committee which are receiving submissions up until Friday 16th February 2024.

If you wish to join some of the arms of the Uniting Church that are making submissions you can access information at this link: SUBMIInquiry into the potential for a Human Rights Act for South Australia (

And if you simply want to know more about the implications of a Human Rights Act, the Rights Resource Network SA is a good starting point for gathering more information at this link: Rights Resource Network South Australia (

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