Five things to click this week

Posted in Culture


New and interesting articles, videos, photographs and other content are posted online every day. Here are five recent items that might be of interest to the Uniting Church SA community.

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Where coffee’s bringing people back to church

Henley-Fulham Uniting Church has been recognised on for their new café-style services. Starting in January, these services run on the last Sunday of the month and have attracted approximately 20 newcomers to the congregation. Henley Fulham’s monthly “Messy Church” has also seen a rise in numbers since 2013.


Just Group and Best & Less refuse to sign safety agreement two years after Bangladeshi factory accident

Daily Life

The Rana Plaza factory collapse that killed 1,129 workers in Bangladesh happened two years ago on 24 April 2013. Since that time, many clothing companies have been working towards creating more accountable processes and ensuring stricter safety measures are employed, and have signed the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh. This article looks at some of the steps taken since the 2013 collapse.


Why it takes more than a “Youth Sunday” to show kids they matter

­Ben Irwin

In this blog post, US author and theologian Ben Irwin talks about the ways churches often engage with youth and young people. He outlines the positive aspects and possible problems presented by special, youth-oriented services and events in congregations, providing insight regarding integration.


Photographer teaches daughters: “Strong is the New Pretty”


Kate T. Parker, a photographer based in Atlanta in the US, has released a photo series titled “Strong is the New Pretty.” These amazing photos depict Kate’s daughters (and sometimes their friends) showing different aspects of strength and girlhood. She encourages people to celebrate whoever their kids are – whether they are strong and dirty, like her own daughters, or the complete opposite.


Dutch nursing home offers rent-free housing to students


An interesting new programme taking place at a nursing home in the Netherlands is offering rent-free accommodation to university students in return for them spending time with the senior citizens who live there. This intergenerational programme helps the nursing home’s inhabitants from feeling disconnected from society and provides young students with a place to live.


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Celebrating Refugees Contributions to Society

A UnitingCare Emergency Relief Centre was needed in the Port Adelaide-Enfield area of Adelaide. And that's when Lefevre UC and volunteers from Port Adelaide UC stepped up.


The Art of Listening

A couple of years ago I was participating in a course which had a smattering of people from a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background. I would have said that they were good participants in class discussions but not the most active ones, and I gave little thought to it.


International Mission Update - A Light for Peace

The new 'normal’ that we have entered into can certainly bring changes to how we as a church undertake international mission. However, despite this challenge we encourage reflection on the importance of partnerships, solidarity for social justice issues and ecumenical sharing.


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