New Times - Faith


Seaton UC Reconnects

Last Sunday 28 June, Seaton Uniting Church held the "Reconnect Sunday" to pastorally prepare the church during this new season. Members met at the church building and shared stories with the implementation of a COVID-Safe Plan and practices.


Emerging from the "COVID Cocoon"

Several people in the Seacliff Uniting Church have decided to produce a series of media resources, consisting of both short videos containing questions for discussion and accompanying scripts with written support materials, which will be helpful for many congregations and the wider Christian community during this COVID-19 time.


UCA Anniversary - Say YES to diversity

A UnitingCare Emergency Relief Centre was needed in the Port Adelaide-Enfield area of Adelaide. And that's when Lefevre UC and volunteers from Port Adelaide UC stepped up.


Exploring the Ministry of Spiritual Direction

In our current life situations, the ancient yet somewhat unknown and quiet ministry of Spiritual Direction could provide clarity on the Spirit’s presence and initiative in our lives.