UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

Submitting Content for UC e-News

Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

Submit a Notice

We welcome notices of 70 words or less about items which may of interest to the Uniting Church Community. Submit a notice.

Positions Vacant

We can advertise your job vacancies in UC e-News, alongside a listing on this page of our website and on our social media channels for just $70 per role. Please complete our Positions Vacant form. 


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Are Australians Dividing Further on the basis of race?

Understanding our Australian Constitution is important for the 14th October Referendum. Australia has always been divided on the basis of race. The Australian Government has the power to make laws on the basis of race; and has done so since 1901.


Reflection of the Week - 12th September 2023

From whom do you need forgiveness? What have you done? Have you hurt someone you love? Does the guilt or shame gnaw at you? Have you caused pain and anguish? Are you trapped in the wreckage of your actions with no visible means of escape?


World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel

The photograph accompanying this article is in Bethlehem and is a section of the Security/Separation wall which surrounds the Occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank.


Healing and Hope

Looking back: Looking forward. Self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples has an element of looking back and addressing past injustices, dispossession and alienation. The call for truth telling in the Uluru Statement from the Heart is the chance to heal past hurts.


Reflection of the Week - 22nd August 2023

Are we lacking a daily prayer life or have we elderly relatives in nursing homes whom we never visit?  Try and figure out what more we can do to gain eternal life and then put together a plan to do it.

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.