UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

Submitting Content for UC e-News

Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

Submit a Notice

We welcome notices of 70 words or less about items which may of interest to the Uniting Church Community. Submit a notice.

Positions Vacant

We can advertise your job vacancies in UC e-News, alongside a listing on this page of our website and on our social media channels for just $70 per role. Please complete our Positions Vacant form. 


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Love is...

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue in Australian culture. But what role can Uniting Church SA communities play in its prevention?


Dollars & Sense - November 2015

Dollars & Sense is a quarterly newsletter produced by the Uniting Church SA Resources team and seeks to provide helpful articles to congregations and church office bearers. The November 2015 edition of the newsletter is now available online.


Connecting on Country

Community groups, foundations and businesses join together to make the dream of "the Hub" a reality in Hawker, South Australia.


Australia: a compassionate country?

Australian aid, previously known as foreign aid, has done an immense amount of good for vulnerable people around the world and for Australia’s reputation as a trading partner. But significant reductions to the aid budget have limited Australia's ability to help.


Cultivating hope

The 2016 UnitingWomen conference continues to draw exciting speakers and presenters. Bindy Taylor writes about one of the workshop leaders, Katheryn Curnow, and what she will present to UnitingWomen attendees.


Rev Rronang Garrawurra honoured

​Former national chairperson of the UAICC, Rev Rronang Garrawurra, was honoured on Wednesday 4 November as a finalist for the 2016 Northern Territory Senior Australian of the Year award.


An award-winning collaboration

A partnership between Resthaven Marion and Westminster School won the Intergenerational Award at the Council on the Ageing's "Every Generation Positive Ageing Awards".


Ecumenical encouragement

An ecumenical “Dinner of Light” was held in August, organised jointly by the Catholic parish of St Mark’s and Lighthouse Uniting Church, and promoted by the Uniting Church/Roman Catholic Dialogue of South Australia.


Great things, great love: a refugee story

“In South Sudan, too many mothers and babies die in childbirth,” Deborah says. “I have wanted to be a midwife since I was in primary school. I want to make sure that mothers don’t suffer.”


Developing friendship across difference

As Interfaith September comes to an end, John Maddern reminds us of the importance of conversations and connections between faith communities. He reflects on an interfaith event held at Adelaide West Uniting Church earlier this year.


Creating caring communities

Called to Care is a small part of the Uniting Church SA's Pastoral relations & Mission Planning team - but it's one that has a huge impact on the daily activities of congregations and faith communities.


Dollars & Sense - September 2015

Dollars & Sense is a quarterly newsletter produced by the Uniting Church SA Resources team and seeks to provide helpful articles to congregations and church office bearers. The September 2015 edition of the newsletter is now available online.


What's Up - September 2015

What's Up is a free monthly newsletter produced by the Uniting Young People team, and focusses on news and resources relating to children’s and family ministry. Check out the September newsletter now!


Sunset Rock engages with SALA

Rev Marty Rosenberg reflects on Sunset Rock Uniting Church’s SALA (South Australian Living Artists) exhibition, which was held in August this year.


Uniting Church leaders seek sanctuary for refugees

Updated: 10/9/15. The Uniting Church in Australia is calling on the Australian Government to commit to a significant increase in Australia’s refugee intake as a response to the ongoing crisis in Syria.


Wesley Kent Town celebrates 150 years

Wesley Kent Town Uniting Church celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, and has marked the occasion with a number of celebratory events.

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.