UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

Submitting Content for UC e-News

Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

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We welcome notices of 70 words or less about items which may of interest to the Uniting Church Community. Submit a notice.

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Reflection of the week

This week's reflection is centred on Psalm 83:1a - "O God, do not keep silence, nor hold your peace or be still, O God."


Do Christianity and politics mix?

With the July 2016 Federal Election approaching, Transforming Justice Coordinator Adrian Nippress shares his thoughts on why and how Christians are called to engage with justice issues and politics.


Aged care cuts more severe than expected

The UnitingCare Australia Aged Care Network has released independent modelling that demonstrates the full extent of the impact of aged care budget cuts on sick and frail older people in residential aged care.


Happy birthday, Uniting Church in Australia!

Today the Uniting Church in Australia celebrates its 39th anniversary. Uniting Church SA Moderator Dr Deidre Palmer reflects on the Church’s life and ministry.


Council backslides on baking inspections

The One Tree Hill Fellowship group was concerned when the council decided their fundraising bakers' home kitchens would be subject to regular inspections. The group is relieved that this decision has been reviewed!


Reflection of the week

This week's reflection focusses on Psalm 37:7 - "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him."


On the Orlando hate attack

Uniting Church President Stuart McMillan has released a statement about the attack that took place at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on Sunday 12 June.


Reflection of the week

This week's reflection has been created for Refugee Week (19-25 June) and reflects on how we think about people seeking refuge, particularly in Australia.


Active responses to asylum seekers

Three Uniting Church communities share their stories of supporting, learning from and celebrating with refugees and asylum seekers.


Progressing claim for retired ministers

Superannuation changes made by the Federal Government in January 2016 had a financial impact on many retired Uniting Church ministers. UCA General Secretary Colleen Geyer provides information on the progress that has been made to address this issue.


Found faith

The first three Live Life Loud 2016 events were transformative for the 650 young people from 20 churches and five denominations who gathered at locations across SA. Read more - and get involved with the next three events on Friday 18 June, 2016!


Reflection of the week

This week's reflection focusses on the coming of winter and the words of Psalm 5:3.


Dollars & Sense - May 2016

Dollars & Sense is a quarterly newsletter produced by the Uniting Church SA Resources team and seeks to provide helpful articles to congregations and church office bearers. The May 2016 edition of the newsletter is now available online.


Paul and the People's Patrol

Pastor Paul Glazbrook reflects on a recent patrol in remote South Australia, which concluded with a service at Wudinna Uniting Church.


For the sake of the planet: a prayer

Congregations and individuals in the Uniting Church are encouraged to reflect and pray on World Environment Day (Sunday 5 June).


Reflection of the week

This week's reflection focusses on verses about creation from Genesis 1:1-3, Psalm 104:24 and Revelation 4:10-11.

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.