UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

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Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

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Reflection of the Week - 18th June 2024

Seeds are planted in us at our baptism, confirmation, and every time we receive the Eucharist. Like seeds, our faith needs time to come to fruition.


‘I’m Not Racist, but …!’

Ordinarily when someone says the phrase ‘I’m Not Racist but …’ it is followed by a remark that highlights the ‘other.’


Reflection of the Week - 11th June 2024

Jesus was dogged by family and religious leaders who questioned his teaching, his healing, and his love for us all. At the heart of Mark’s writing, Jesus, through his stories, teaches us of his power over Satan and the paramount importance of the Holy Spirit.


Reflection of the Week - 4th June 2024

It can be easy to forget that in many places around the world, access to simple bread and clean water is still the difference between life and death.


Reflection of the Week - 28th May 2024

In this gospel reading, we encounter the profound and transformative Great Commission, where Jesus, having triumphed over death, gathers His disciples on a mountain in Galilee and entrusts them with a mission that would change the world forever.


Resthaven opens new office at Sefton Park

With a presence in the area for 30 years, on Monday 20th May, Resthaven Paradise and Eastern Community Services officially opened a new, larger office at 255 Main North Road, Sefton Park. 


What does the Covenant mean to you?

Sorry always comes before reconciliation; you cannot have one without the other if we are to accept where we have come from in our combined histories.


Reflection of the Week - 14th May 2024

Do you feel like you're on a mission? Do you feel like your life has a mission? In this reading (Mk 16:15-20), Jesus sends the disciples out into the world. He says, ‘I'm leaving, and I'm leaving you here to carry this mission on.’ We call this the Great Commission. Was it just for the Twelve? No. It's for you and me as well.


Reflection of the Week - 7th May 2024

Joy is God-centred. It comes from truly believing and accepting that God knows us, loves us, and accepts us. When I lack joy, it always means that my relationship with God has a weak link that I need to address.


Reflection of the Week - 30th April 2024

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that we can come to him and ask for whatever we want. Does that mean that, like a snake oil salesman, he is promising to give us whatever we desire, even if it’s riches, fame, or power? Not at all.

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.