Environmental Advocacy Resources
Worship resources
Eco-themed worship guidelines:
Scripture and Lectionary Resources:
Earth Spirit Rising- Bible References (7 kb PDF)
Preaching and sermons:
General Worship Resources:
Earth Spirit Rising- Top Rated Prayers (65 kb PDF)
The Environmental Action group have developed a number of fact sheets which serve to inform communities and engage congregations and individuals to implement ways of living and working that minimise our impact on the environment.
For more resources, visit the Uniting Justice resource page>
Other organisations:
Around Australia there are a number of organisations who are committed to prayer and action on climate change.
For more information, visit the following:
Hope for Creation is a movement of Australian Christians committing to prayer and action on climate change. We call on our churches to express their hope for creation through prayer, action and advocacy and we call on Australia’s politicians to take stronger action on climate change.
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change
ARRCC is a multi-faith, member-based organisation of people from around Australia who are committed to taking action on climate change. We bring together representatives from all the major faith traditions to work together in addressing climate change.
World Council of Churches: Care for creation and climate justice
Care for creation and justice are at the centre of WCC work on climate change. The Bible teaches the wholeness of creation and calls human beings to take care of the garden of Eden (Gen 2:15). The God of the Bible is a God of justice who protects, loves and cares for the most vulnerable among his creatures.
Forum on Religion and Ecology (international, multi-faith)
The Forum on Religion and Ecology is the largest international multi-religious project of its kind. With its conferences, publications, and website it is engaged in exploring religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to broaden understanding of the complex nature of current environmental concerns.
Uniting Justice- Justice Unit of the National Assembly
Uniting Earthweb- New South Wales and ACT Synod
Victoria/Tasmania Green Church
For information on Uniting Church properties and the environment, please visit Property Services' environment page>