Links: Parenting Websites
It’s a bit of an understatement to say that there’s a lot of information out there on the World Wide Web for parents.
In an effort to make searching for relevant, trustworthy information easier and more accessible, we’ve compiled a ‘Top Ten’ list of websites that are most useful to parents.
Whether you’re new to the parenting game or a seasoned player, we hope you find these websites a helpful tool for you and your family as you navigate the road to raising healthy, happy children.
We’ve chosen to focus on Australian sites which hold general parenting information.
Parenting SA A great place to start with any parenting or family related enquiry. They provide fantastic fact sheets, a list of parenting groups in SA, as well as their own list of web links.
Raising Children Network This national parenting information website is a government funded resource that grew out of research into what parents and practitioners want and need. The website is very comprehensive, covering children of all ages. It’s easy to navigate and find relevant information.
ABCD Parenting Especially useful for parents of young adolescents who need some guides and strategies for working out how to best manage the changes in the relationships when their child becomes a teenager.
Child and Youth Health Some very practical information and news to assist parents, carers and young people. Includes a sub-site called ‘Kids’ Health’, which is kid-friendly, with lots of colour, pictures, fun activities and kid-friendly language on a range of health and safety topics.
Kids Help Line A site worth introducing to your kids, in case they ever need someone to talk to for whatever reason. Kids Help Line is Australia’s only free, confidential and anonymous, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 – 25.
Kid Safe Often as a parent, we see danger lurking around every corner. To help abate fears, Kid Safe is devoted to the prevention of unintentional death and injury to children. A practical, awareness-raising website with facts and suggestions on child-proofing your home, safety when out and about, safety tips, safe toys and more. There’s even a home safety checklist for grandparents.
ABC Parenting Australia’s national television channel has partnered with the Raising Children Network to provide a feature packed website with factual content particularly for parents of 0 – 8 year olds. Tips on child appropriate media are especially helpful.
Headroom A contemporary site with information on mental health – by young people, for young people. There’s information for children, young people, parents and professionals, with a dedicated menu and articles for each group.
Relationships Australia (SA) Relationships Australia exists to provide a wide range of services in the area of family relationships. There are courses, resources and other services which may help your family.