Honouring Grandparents
Great Grandparenting
Grandparents are vital to the life of a family, a community and a congregation. This package of resources is for congregations who want to recognise and support grandparents. The package consists of:
- Worship planners’ notes for an all-age worship service ‘Honouring Grandparents’
- Facilitator’s notes for a ‘great’ grandparenting seminar designed to
- recognise and affirm the role grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren
- encourage and resource Christian grandparents to be intentional in nurturing the faith of their children and grandchildren.
- PowerPoint slides to accompany the seminar
- A set of posters with sayings about grandparents
Download below:
Honouring Grandparents (630 kb PDF)
Great grandparenting seminar (877 kb PDF)
Great Grandparenting Powerpoint Slides (524 kb Powerpoint file)