
This page has intergenerational worship services for Mother's Day and Father's Day.
At the end is a recommended book with five worship services to celebrate Grandparents.

Mother's Day

Mothers and Shepherds


Mothers and shepherds are both in the caring business. They are responsible for the welfare of their charges, feeding them and leading them. It’s fitting that, in 2014, the day when our society honours mothers is the day the church honours Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd.


Australians see Mothers Day as a family time. This resource is designed to help congregations of any size to plan Mothers Day worship that adds to, rather than detract from, the family experience.



An Intergenerational Worship Resource for Mother's Day

In Australia, Mothers’ Day is observed on the second Sunday in May. Mothers’ Day is a secular holiday, driven to a large extent by commercial interests. As Christians we are commanded to honour our mothers at all times — including Mothers’ Day.

This worship service for people of all ages and situations is about God’s gift of Mothers. As we honour mothers, we honour God who gives us mothers. This resources includes: general notes about all age worship; ideas for celebrating (and for not celebrating Mothers’ Day; quotes about mums, a sample worship plan, and more.


Mums and Mums

A resource for planning intergenerational worship for Mothers Day. The service theme comes from the psalm for the day —' I worship you as my mother did' (Psalm 116:16). 
This document includes general notes about all age worship and about mums as well as a fully scripted sample service. 


No Greater Love

'No Greater Love' is a Mother's Day theme based on the lectionary readings for the sixth Sunday of Easter.

This Mothers Day resource includes general information about planning all-age worship, a meditation on the theme, Mothers day prayers and creed, ideas for children's presentations, presenting the Epistle and Gospel readings and for honouring mothers, Mother's Day humour and a sample worship plan.


Mother's Day Keys

Here's a resource to help you make worship a significant part of families' observance of Mothers Day.
The package includes general notes about all-age worship, a list of Scripture verses relating to the God and mothers, a page of quotes about mums, five keys for nurturing faith in families, information about Stop the Traffik (a special concern for mothers), some Mother's Day prayers, a Bible study on God and Mums, a script for a dramatic reading of Acts 16:16-34 — told from the viewpoint of two mothers, and a complete sample worship service.


Father's Day

An Intergenerational Worship Resource for Father's Day

The Australian practice of honouring fathers on the first Sunday in September began less than a hundred years ago. The law given to Moses and the people of Israel some 4000 years ago, commanded God’s people to ‘honour your father and your mother’ not just once a year, but at all times. Honouring parents is honouring God who provides parents and families as a way of protecting children and preserving life and order among people. This worship resource is primarily a celebration of God, the heavenly Father, who loves and cares for each one of us. It can be a part of a Father's Day tribute to fathers. 


King for a Day

Make dad a king for a day. Keep Jesus your king for all days. This resource will help you plan a special intergenerational worship service for Father's Day. The resource contains both general ideas and a complete sample service.


Dads & Heroes

Here’s a pack of resources to help you plan an all-age worship service and other events for Father's Day, Sunday 5th September, 2013.
The packet includes:

  • Notes about planning all age worship
  • Notes about Father's Day, heroes and super heroes
  • Notes from the Bible on heroes and fathers in the Bible, honouring Father's and Jesus Christ (the hero)
  • Some quotes about heroes and fathers and some Father's Day blessings and prayers.
  • A Bible study for youth and adults about heroes.
  • A complete ‘script’ for a whole-church celebration of Father's Day, which looks at the God who gives us dads and heroes and at Jesus Christ, our super hero.

For other Father's Day ideas and activities here are some website and resources to peruse.

Many thanks to Chris Barnett (Uniting Church Vic/Tas)

Last minute ideas for Father's Day (from Judyth Roberts, Uniting Church NSW/ACT)

Famous Dads Idea (a conversation activity from Barnabas, UK –Messy Church people)

Father's Day Card Idea (an activity/gift from Barnabas, UK)

CPN – Father's Day 1 (pdf - activity ideas from Christian Playgroup Network Australia)

CPN – Father's Day 2 (pdf - 2 activities and ideas for running a Fathers Day Playgroup event from Christian Playgroup Network Australia)

Father's Day Worship Resources (including hymns and songs, calls to worship, prayers and litanies for those who plan and lead congregational worship)

Celebrating Grandparents: Services to say 'Thank you'

grandparentsBy Nick Fawcett
Published by Kevin Mayhew Ltd © 2008
ISBN: 978 1 84417 960 2 paperback
Available from Unichurch Books $24.95

Grandparents play a central role in the life of any church, in fact in some churches the children come with their grandparents rather than their parents. Grandparents also play a vital role in many families whether they come to church or not.

While we may not celebrate "Grandparents' Day here as they do in North America, it is nice to say thankyou and acknowledge them occasionally - or just use then as an excuse for a great family day at church!

From the UK, the book contains five complete but informal worship services that celebrate the part grandparents play in family and church life. The services also aim to help families and the congregation reflect on Christian faith and discipleship.

Each service contains an introduction, prayers, dialogues, quotations, poems, family talks and even quizzes, plus suggestions for readings, hymns and specially-themed hand-made bookmarks to give out. There is room for churches to adapt or include material that suits your individual circumstances.There's also a list of useful websites in the back.