Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
Policy Statement
Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all personnel. This Policy will apply to all personnel, visitors and other persons whilst on Uniting Church SA premises.
Uniting Church SA acknowledges that smoking:
- whether active or passive, damages health;
- is directly associated with the increased risk of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease and various forms of cancer;
- aggravates the symptoms of those affected by respiratory diseases;
- during pregnancy is directly associated with an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, low birth weight and neonatal death;
- is irritating and offensive to the non-smoker and can cause physical discomfort; and
- is unlawful in food preparation areas and in any area where smoking presents an immediate hazard.
To provide a safe working environment by reducing airborne contaminants (in particular tobacco smoke), and in accordance with South Australian Government Policy, Uniting Church SA is a smoke-free workplace. Please refer to the following Safework SA website for further information about smoke-free workplaces:
To assist smokers, who may wish to modify or quit smoking, support can be provided.
To protect all personnel from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke, all Uniting Church SA premises are smoke-free workplaces. Uniting Church SA will not permit smoking in any of its owned or rented premises, which also includes motor vehicles.
The responsibility for enforcing this policy rests with every manager/supervisor. Personnel are reminded that they are obliged, under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012, to protect the health of their fellow workers. It is a condition of employment/engagement that personnel must comply with this policy. Non-compliance will be subject to breach of health and safety guidelines and may result in disciplinary action.
Executive Officer, Resources Board
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