Emergency Evacuation Policy
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA (UCSA) is committed to providing a safe workplace and systems of work for all staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors (referred to collectively as ‘personnel’). It recognises that an emergency situation may occur which requires a well rehearsed and standardised response from all personnel, to ensure the safety of all persons on site at the time of the emergency. An emergency is a situation that is dangerous or potentially dangerous to life, property and environment.
The aim of this policy is to ensure there are appropriately trained personnel to effectively and efficiently respond to an emergency and have the ability to carry out emergency evacuation procedures and to assist other personnel to respond as instructed.
UCSA recognises that the building is jointly tennanted and coordinates all emergency activities including management and training, by working in consultation and cooperation with the other tennant(s).
The designated emergency assembly area for 212 Pirie Street is situated at:
North-west corner of the CitiCom building complex (above the sunken garden area)
In the event of an emergency evacuation at Uniting Church SA, 212 Pirie Street, Adelaide, all personnel are required to adhere to the following procedure:
The nominated Chief Floor Warden or their deputy (White Hats) on the discovery of an emergency where an evacuation is necessary, will:
- Ascertain the nature of the emergency if possible and ensure an appropriate evacuation is underway.
- Wait at the designated floor liaison area and receive and take note of the details as provided by the floor wardens.
- Nominate appropriate personnel as necessary to assist or stay with any persons remaining in a safe refuge area as part of their PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan).
- Having ensured that the floor has been evacuated to the best of their knowledge, proceed to the ground floor designated liaison area and provide information to the Chief Building Warden. Ensure that the emergency services have been contacted and the building remains secure.
- Once the emergency services or chief building warden confirm the work site is safe, direct personnel to return to their work area/station.
The nominated Floor Wardens (Red Hats) will:
- Take note of the fire/evacuation alarm that will activate automatically;
- Ensure personnel proceed to the designated assembly point and
- Instruct personnel that require special assistance or have mobility constraints to follow their PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan);
- If possible, isolate the fire/incident by closing doors.
- If it is a suspected bomb evacuation, doors are required to be open.
- Liaise with the Chief Floor Warden and confirm their area is clear and the status of any persons remaining in safe refuge areas to the best of their knowledge.
- Account for all UCSA personnel and direct them to remain at the designated assembly point until further instructon from the Chief Building/Floor Warden.
The nominated First Aid personnel (Green Hats) will:
- Take note of the fire/evacuation alarm that will activate automatically;
- Retrieve the portable first aid kit (if safe to do so) and evacuate in an orderly manner to the designated evacuation point.
- Remain at the designated assembly point and attend to any injuries sustained during the evacuation. Liaise and report any relevent information to the Emergency Services and/or Floor Wardens and await further instructions.
All personnel will:
- Take note of the fire/evacuation alarm that will activate automatically;
- Follow Floor Warden(s) instructions and evacuate in an orderly manner to the designated evacuation point.
- Leave all loose personal belongings such as bags behind.
- Remain at the designated assembly point and await further instructions from the Floor Warden(s).
Executive Officer, Resources Board
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