Workplace policies
Please note: The suite of Workplace Policies and Procedures are under review to incorporate the relevant changes in legislation and regulations. If you have any questions pertaining to the content of these policies, in the first instance please contact Human Resources department on Turn on Javascript! or (08) 8236-4278.
A Foreword - Workplace Policies and Procedures
The Uniting Church SA Workplace Policies and Procedures relating to human resources and work health and safety, have been developed to provide policies and procedures for the management of all personnel of the Uniting Church SA. This includes personnel of the Councils of Synod (being the Synod Office, Uniting College for Leadership & Theology, Uniting Venues SA, Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC)), and in most cases Uniting Church SA congregations. These policies and procedures do not relate to personnel employed by community and aged care services, hospital, schools and colleges associated with the Uniting Church which are separately incorporated.
Annual Leave Policy
This policy and procedure provides a framework for the use of annual leave entitlements for all permanent employees.
Reviewed April 2023.
Code of Conduct
The Uniting Church SA actively promotes a way of life which embraces Christian values and ethics. All personnel are expected to demonstrate behaviour in accordance with the contents of this code.
Last reviewed: July 2016
First Issued: February 2013
Compassionate Leave
All Uniting Church SA employees (excluding *casuals) are entitled to paid Compassionate Leave as prescribed by the relevant Award or as determined by the National Employment Standards of the Fair Work Act 2009.
Reviewed: September 2023
Confidentiality Policy
This policy applies to all Uniting Church SA (UCSA) personnel as defined in the Workplace Policies and Procedures Manual introduction, i.e. Ministers of the Word, those in specified ministries, lay staff and volunteers.
Reviewed October 2023.
Corporate Credit Card Policy
Issued: April 2009
Policy Statement
The corporate credit card policy has been developed to provide a means for Uniting Church SA (UCSA) personnel to pay for UCSA business related expenses through the use of a corporate credit card. Personnel who receive a corporate credit card must agree to the terms and conditions set out below prior to being issued with a card.
Education and Development Policy
Draft review: April 2019
Replaces: 27/ Sept/ 2010
Replaces: 30/Mar/ 2007
First Issued: 30 /Mar /2007
This Policy will remain as a final draft for a period of two weeks from the time of its release. This will provide an opportunity for comment or enquiry; these can be addressed to Turn on Javascript!. At the end of the two week period the policy will become final until such time as a review is required or there are changes in legislation affecting the policy content.
Please Note: This policy replaces the (i) Education Assistance/Study Leave Policy and (ii) Training and Development Policy.
The Uniting Church in South Australia (UCSA) values the gifts and skills that each employee brings to the Church. The UCSA seeks to strengthen its capacity to serve the Presbytery and Synod and is committed to investing in its employees and fostering a culture of learning. To achieve this the UCSA is committed to supporting education and development opportunities for its employees relevant to their position and responsibilities so that together the needs of the Church are met. The Uniting Church SA is also committed to building a healthy, committed and capable work force whilst also ensuring it meets its current and future legislative obligations in all work place practices.
Emergency Evacuation Policy
Reviewed: January 2017
Issued: April 2012
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA (UCSA) is committed to providing a safe workplace and systems of work for all staff, contractors, volunteers and visitors (referred to collectively as ‘personnel’). It recognises that an emergency situation may occur which requires a well rehearsed and standardised response from all personnel, to ensure the safety of all persons on site at the time of the emergency. An emergency is a situation that is dangerous or potentially dangerous to life, property and environment.
Employee Assistance Program Policy
Uniting Church SA has established an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide confidential counselling and related services to employees where problems are affecting their work performance.
Reviewed June 2024.
Equal Opportunity Policy and Procedure
Reviewed: April 2011
Reviewed: September 2010
Reviewed: December 2007
First Issued: October 2007
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA is committed to ensuring that all persons seeking employment are treated fairly and equitably and are not subjected to any form of unlawful harassment or discrimination.
Uniting Church SA is also responsible for ensuring that personnel are aware of their rights and obligations as outlined in this Policy and that personnel must comply with the Policy.
Ergonomics and Work Environment Policy
Reviewed: January 2017
Issued: October 2012
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA (UCSA) is committed to providing a safe work environment for all personnel, contractors and visitors at all UCSA Presbytery and Synod sites.
Event Management Policies and Procedures
The Event Planning Guide lists the policies and procedures. Interview Policy
Current Policy Approved: February 2024
Replaces: March 2012
First Issued: March 2012
Policy Principles
UCASA is committed to encouraging high staff morale and improving productivity. It is also committed to helping lay staff ‘leave well’ as they move from the organisation, or into a new role within the organisation. The UCASA is also interested in the reasons underlying a staff member’s decision to leave. It will therefore seek to undertake an exit interview with all lay staff ceasing their employment (or engagement) with the organisation or who are transferring roles within UCASA (or to another Church Body). The intention of the exit interview is to
- assist the lay staff member with the process of closure and to encourage them to ‘leave well’.
- allow the lay staff member to discuss the reasons for choosing to leave UCASA employment or transferring between departments/ministry centres and comments they may have about their levels of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
- provide an opportunity for the lay staff member to give feedback on their experience of working in the role.
Family and Domestic Violence Policy (Draft)
Reviewed: October 2024
Policy Principles
UCASA is committed to supporting its employees and seeks to create a supportive work environment where employees feel safe. The UCASA acknowledges the serious impact Family & Domestic Violence (FDV) can have on the lives of those affected and how such experiences can also negatively impact their capacity to undertake their work responsibilities.
Grievance Policy
Uniting Church SA is committed to fostering a positive and productive workplace and acknowledges that problems can arise at work that may cause personnel to feel aggrieved.
Last Reviewed: July 2016
First Issued: March 2009
Handheld Information and Communication Device Policy
Reviewed: February 2013
First Issued: September 2008
Policy Statement
The Handheld Information and Communication Device (HICD) policy has been developed to provide a means for Uniting Church SA personnel to remain accessible when out of the office. These HICD's (PDA's, Smartphones, Blackberry's) are a versatile business tool which can be easily synchronised with Outlook to provide continuous contact with the office. This policy provides guidelines for the efficient management of these devices. Personnel who receive an HICD agree to the terms and conditions set out below when they commence using the device.
Hazard Management Policy and Procedure
Reviewed: October 2012
First Issued: September 2012
Policy Statement
The Uniting Church SA ("UCSA") is committed to providing a safe workplace for all personnel, contractors and visitors. UCSA is committed to establishing a formal process to record and investigate all workplace hazards. Hazard management is fundamental to ensuring a safe work environment, compliance with legislative requirements and for the continual improvement of OHS&W performance.
Incident Management Policy and Procedure
Reviewed: October 2013
First Issued: September 2012
Policy Statement
The Uniting Church SA (“UCSA”) is committed to providing a safe workplace for all personnel, contractors and visitors. UCSA is committed to establishing a formal process to report and investigate all workplace accidents/incidents and near miss occurrences. This process includes identifying contributing factors of the accident/incident or near miss and making the necessary recommendations to prevent a recurrence.
Induction/Orientation Policy
Issued: August 2011
Reviewed: January 2017
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA induction process will ensure that all new personnel are provided with a thorough introduction to Uniting Church SA, along with an overview of any relevant health and safety requirements, codes of practice and any other operating requirements.
Jury Service / Community Service Leave Policy
Reviewed: August 2011
Reviewed: April 2010
First Issued: August 2008
Policy Statement
This policy and procedure provide a framework for the provision and application of Jury Service Leave and Community Service Leave for eligible employees.
Reviewed April 2024
Leave Without Pay Policy
Leave without pay (LWOP) is a privilege and will only be granted to personnel at the discretion of Uniting Church SA. This will take into account the employee’s particular circumstances and will include assessment of whether the extended leave impacts negatively on either work requirements or other staff.
Reviewed October 2023.
Long Service Leave Policy
Reviewed: April 2010
First Issued: February 2008
Policy Statement
This policy and procedure provide a framework for the use of long service leave entitlements for eligible employees in accordance with the South Australian Long Service Leave Act (SA) 1987.
Reviewed April 2024
Manual Handling Policy
Reviewed: January 2017
Issued: August 2012
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA is committed to providing a safe workplace and systems of work for all personnel. It recognises that the manual handling of materials, equipment and furniture within the workplace is potentially hazardous to health and safety.
Media Communications Policy
Issued: October 2014
Policy Statement
The Uniting Church in South Australia is committed to ensuring that a consistent and positive image is projected in its dealings with the media and the general public.
Media attention has the potential to enhance, as well as detract from, the overall reputation and credibility of any organisation including the Uniting Church in SA. It is important that all [lay employees, ministers of the word, deacons, lay pastors, volunteers] that make up the Uniting Church in SA share an understanding of, and commitment to, the systems and processes which have been developed for the positive management of media relations for the Church.
Parental Leave policy
Reviewed: May 2013
Reviewed: February 2011
First Issued: October 2007
Policy Statement
An employee who meets the applicable eligibility requirements may be entitled to the federal government’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme, which means that the primary carer for a new-born or adopted child can claim paid parental leave for up to 18 weeks and be paid at the national minimum wage.
The Paid Parental Leave Scheme provides that more than one (1) person is entitled to claim the payment if the primary carer changes over time. For example if one (1) parent is the primary carer and returns to work after ten (10) weeks, the other parent could then become the carer and claim the final eight (8) weeks’ leave.
Performance Appraisal and Development Plan Policy
This policy guides the UCASA in providing opportunities for employees to participate in the Performance Appraisal and Development process.
Reviewed April 2023.
Personal (Sick & Carer’s) Leave Policy
Reviewed: April 2010
First Issued: September 2008
Policy Statement
This policy and procedure provide a framework for the use of Personal (Sick) or Carer’s leave granted to all employees.
Reviewed April 2024
Recruitment and Selection Policy
This policy and procedure guides the merit-principled processes for recruitment and selection of new employees.
Reviewed April 2023.
Remote Internet Access Policy
Issued: September 2008
Policy Statement
The Remote Internet Access (RIA) policy has been developed to provide a means for Uniting Church SA personnel to remain accessible via remote internet access when out of the office. RIA is a valuable business tool and this policy provides guidelines for the efficient management of this facility. Personnel who use Uniting Church SA supplied RIA must agree to the terms and conditions set out below before they commence using the service.
Sexual Harassment and Sex-Based Harassment Policy (Draft)
Reviewed: October 2024
First Issued: May 2008
Policy Statement
UCASA is committed to providing a safe, flexible and respectful environment for personnel, workers and clients free from all forms of discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and sex-based harassment.
**This Policy stands alongside:
• The Uniting Church in Australia Policy for dealing with a complaint of sexual misconduct made against a member or adherent of the Uniting Church in Australia (which can be accessed on, and
• Uniting Church in Australia Constitution and Regulations, Section 7.
• Uniting Church SA Workplace Harassment and Bullying Policy
Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
Reviewed: January 2017
Issued: November 2011
Policy Statement
Smoke-Free Workplace Policy
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all personnel. This Policy will apply to all personnel, visitors and other persons whilst on Uniting Church SA premises.
Social Media Policy
Reviewed: October 2014
First Issued: March 2013
Scope of Policy
Councils of Synod: Employees as defined in A Foreword - Workplace Policies & Procedures
Congregations are encouraged to adopt and adapt this policy for their work environments.
Policy Statement
The Uniting Church SA is committed to ensuring that internal and external communication of both publications and commentary in the use of social media communications, are responsible, respectful and lawful.
Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) Policy
Current Policy Approved: March 2024
Replaces: February 2011
First Issued: July 2007
This policy and procedure provide a framework for the provision and application of Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) arrangements.
Travel Expenses Reimbursement Policy & Procedures
Issued: April 2009
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA (UCSA) will reimburse personnel for travel and related expenses incurred while carrying out specific UCSA duties.
This policy stands alongside Synod by-law 12.1.7 dealing with attendance of representatives from each Congregation at authorised Presbytery and Synod meetings:
Volunteering Service Day Policy
Current Policy Approved: March 2024
Replaces: February 2014
First Issued: February 2014
Policy Principles
The Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of South Australia (UCASA) recognises that it is a part of a wider community and values the essential contribution made by volunteers. The Volunteering Services Day program is an initiative to give UCASA employees the opportunity to support a Uniting Church Ministry Centre, or another mutually agreed charitable organisation of their choice, one (1) normal rostered working day per calendar year.
Whistleblowers Policy
This policy provides the guiding principles and supporting framework to encourage the reporting of any instances of suspected unethical, illegal, fraudulent or undesirable conduct involving UCASA and provides protections and measures so that those persons who make a report may do so confidentially and without fear of intimidation, disadvantage or reprisal.
Reviewed April 2023.
Work Health and Safety Church Council and Congregation Policy and Procedure (and Explanatory Note Draft)
human-resources/congregational-resources/work-health-and-safety-church-council-and-congregation-policyWork Health and Safety Corporate Policy and Procedures
Reviewed: May 2014
Reviewed: December 2013
Reviewed: March 2009
First Issued: September 2008
Policy Scope
Councils of Synod: Personnel as defined in A Foreword - Workplace Policies & Procedures.
Congregations Congregations are encouraged to adopt and adapt this policy for their work environments.
Policy Statement
Uniting Church SA (UCSA) values people and is committed to providing and maintaining a safe, healthy and productive workplace for workers and other persons involved in our activities.
Our safe workplace will be achieved in accordance with the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Act 2012 (SA) (WHS Act).
Workers’ Compensation - Claims Management Policy and Procedure
Issued: February 2010
Scope of Policy
The scope of this policy relates only to employees of The South Australian Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia on behalf of the Church (“Synod of SA”) and therefore does not apply to:
- Employees of Uniting Church SA congregations.
- Those in specified Ministries not covered by Workers Compensation Legislation
- Volunteers for any Synod of SA activities
Workers’ Compensation - Rehabilitation Policy and Procedure
Issued: February 2010
Scope of Policy
The scope of this policy relates only to employees of The South Australian Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia on behalf of the Church (“Synod of SA”) and therefore does not apply to:
- Employees of Uniting Church SA congregations.
- Those in specified Ministries not covered by Workers Compensation Legislation
- Volunteers for any Synod of SA activities
For those excluded from this policy separate and specific rehabilitation procedures apply.
Workers’ Compensation - Work Injury Policy and Procedure
Issued: February 2010
Scope of Policy
The scope of this policy relates only to employees of The South Australian Synod of the Uniting Church in Australia on behalf of the Church (“Synod of SA”) and therefore does not apply to:
- Employees of Uniting Church SA congregations.
- Those in specified Ministries not covered by Workers Compensation Legislation
- Volunteers for any Synod of SA activities
For those excluded from this policy separate and specific work injury procedures apply.
Working From Home Policy
Issued 8 June 2021
Policy Statement
This policy provides a framework to consider requests from personnel to work from home and to implement, manage and review agreed Working from Home (WFH) arrangements.
The policy aims to recognise that from time to time WFH balances the needs of the personnel and/or the organisation. This policy applies to all personnel whose usual work location is the Uniting Church SA Synod office (212 Pirie Street, Adelaide) or the Yarthu Apinthi (Brooklyn Park Campus) or a Uniting Venues SA site as specified in their Contract of Employment.
Workplace Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedure
Reviewed: April 2011
Reviewed: October 2010
Reviewed: February 2008
First Issued: November 2006
Policy Statement
The Uniting Church SA is committed to providing its personnel with a safe work environment that is free from inappropriate behaviour and will take all reasonable steps to minimise any form of workplace harassment or bullying. This commitment is based on our Church’s belief in the importance of individuals in God’s eyes and their right to be respected, and kept safe from any harm.