Congregational Bookkeeping Unit (CBU)
Many congregations face increasing challenges with their bookkeeping and financial reporting obligations and the CBU team is here to help.
Information is included on this site which may be of assistance to treasurers. If you are not able to find the answer to your questions, please give one of the CBU team a call.
Services provided by CBU include:
Congregational Bookkeeping Unit Infomation (75 kb PDF)
Audit Information
Simplified Audits of small congregations (193 kb PDF)
Supplementary Audit Checklist for Small Congregations (128 kb PDF)
Cash Handling
FAQ - Cash Handling - Petty Cash (112 kb PDF)
FAQ - Cash Handling - Collections, Counting & Banking (77 kb PDF)
GST Information
GST on Rental Properties (including manses occupied by the minister) (79 kb PDF)
GST Non-Profit sub-entities (106 kb PDF)
GST Manual (1.5 mb PDF)
GST and the disposal of capital assets (101 kb PDF)
GST - Completing Your Activity Statement (1.1 mb PDF)
FAQ - GST - What if a supplier does not quote ABN (99 kb PDF)
FAQ - GST - Parishes and Congregations - Who can claim GST credits (116 kb PDF)
FAQ - GST - How do I update our Congregation's ATO authorised contacts (112 kb PDF)
FAQ - GST - How do I complete the BAS when my congregation has PAYG obligations and uses Synod payroll bureau? (479 kb PDF)
FAQ - GST - Does GST apply to a bond collected from a venue hire? (89 kb PDF)
MYOB Information
MYOB Instruction Manual for Treasurers (3 mb PDF)
Pass the Baton documents
Pass the Baton - Instruction Page (41 kb PDF)
Pass the Baton - ATO contacts (6 kb PDF)
Pass the Baton - Bank and Investment accounts (6 kb PDF)
Pass the Baton - Direct Entries (6 kb PDF)
Pass the Baton - Employee List (6 kb PDF)
Pass the Baton - Non Profit Sub Entities (6 kb PDF)
Other Useful Information
Basic Introduction for Treasurers (151 kb PDF)
Client to Agent Linking CBU (1.1 mb PDF)