The ACNC requirements apply to ALL Uniting Church SA entities that have an ABN, regardless of their size. Do not fall into the trap of thinking “this doesn’t apply to us”.
The AIS is due six months after the end of your financial year and should not be completed until the financial year that it relates to has ended. Below is a link to the ACNC's AIS Hub, which will assist you in completing your AIS:
2023 Annual Information Statement Hub | ACNC
- You are required to keep your details up to date. This includes each time there is a change to church council membership.
- Log in to the ACNC charity portal using the user name and password that has been mailed to you, and record the details of your ‘Responsible Persons’ (church council members).
- If you have misplaced your login details please phone 13 22 62 and request that they re-send the login details to you.
- If your congregation has a financial year end other than 30 June (ie most UC entities have 31 Dec) and you have not yet notified the ACNC, please complete form 4A IMMEDIATELY in order to avoid administrative penalties for late lodgement.
Some helpful videos & podcasts produced by the ACNC can be found here>.