Who to contact about property matters

Posted in Property services

Under the new Presbytery structure, oversight of property matters remains with Synod of SA Property Services team. Each Presbytery will be represented by nominated delegates at Synod Property Committee meetings.

Congregations continue to manage:

  • day to day property management
  • regular maintenance
  • licence agreements with hirers

Liaison with Property Services staff should occur where property proposals interact with legislative requirements and the legal obligations of The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.).

These matters may include:

  • Changes to land such as boundary realignments, amalgamations and subdivisions
  • Property upgrades and maintenance, where one of the following applies:
    • over $10,000 in value,
    • effect the structure
    • requires Development Approval
  • Property development projects
  • Leasing of residential or commercial property
  • Selling or purchasing property
  • Entering into local agreements which may encumber property
  • Identification of significant risks beyond the scope of regular management or maintenance

Property  Matters Quick Reference 




·  Daily management

·  Regular maintenance

·  License agreements


Church Council


Integral to the local mission and ministry.

·  Changes to land

·  Selling

·  Purchasing

Church Council.

UCSA Property Services.

The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)

Statutory Authorities

Wider church considerations.

Synod approval required.

Legal documents can only be executed by recognised representatives of the legal entity.

·   Upgrades

·   Significant maintenance

·   Development

·   State Heritage

Church Council.

UCSA Property Services.

The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)

Statutory Authorities

Wider church considerations.

Synod approval required.

Project expertise & funds advice.

Legislative obligations.

Legal documents executed by recognised representatives of the legal entity.

·  Leasing

Church Council.

UCSA Property Services.

The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)

Legislative obligations.

Legal documents executed by recognised representatives of the legal entity.

·  Agreements which may encumber

Church Council.

UCSA Property Services.

The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)

Legislative obligations.

Obligations may be unintended or impact the wider church.

·  Significant Risks

Church Council.

UCSA Property Services & WHS Coordinator.

The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (S.A.)

Statutory Authorities.

Legislative obligations.

Consequences may impact Church Council, the wider church and the general community.

The Property Services team can assist congregations to navigate property transactions and projects to deliver successful outcomes. Please email enquiries to Turn on Javascript!


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