Highbury Street Fund
What is the Highbury Street Fund?
When the Prospect Uniting Church in Highbury Street closed it was decided the missional legacy from the congregation would go into ministry rather than other buildings. The congregation discerned God was leading them to support the many new migrant ethnic churches and a discernment process led to the establishment of the Highbury Street Fund (HSF), to enable ministry and mission with culturally and linguistically diverse people to flourish in South Australia.
Aim of the Fund
The main goal of the HSF is therefore to support leadership development across this variety of expressions of church.
General Distributions, ranging from $200 to $3500, may be applied for at any time. Sums of less than $500 may be approved within six weeks of application. Amounts from $500 - $3500 will be dealt with by an application process that is assessed by committee. These are dealt with on a six-monthly basis, with funding rounds in May and October. Applicants that are unable to be funded in any given round will be given the opportunity to be considered in future rounds.
Larger amounts – Groups seeking to apply for larger amounts are asked to meet with Transforming Mission staff to develop a project proposal for consideration. Success of such projects will normally be dependent on identifying partner funding sources and reporting and monitoring capacity.
Money is generally distributed twice each year from the interest gained from the capital fund. (Some funds may be distributed at other times). The money is managed in the Common Fund of the Synod of the Uniting Church in South Australia. Funds are allocated by the Highbury Street Fund (HSF) Committee.
General Distribution Applications for funds are due on 15 May and 31 October each year. An interview with the applicant may be required. Applicants will be informed of the result of their application within one month of these dates.
Applications must be made on the Application Form available on the website.
Funding Rounds close on 31 March and 31 August each year.
How are Highbury Street Fund applications assessed?
A committee, appointed by the Uniting Church in Australia’s Mission and Leadership Development Board, will assess and prioritise applications using the following criteria:
"In funding this application…
- Will leadership be supported and developed?
- Will a community or communities be better led?
- Will the mission of God be furthered?
- Are the aims of the education program consistent with the values expressed in “We are a multicultural Church” (UCA statement to the Nation, 1985)?
- Will mission and ministry in culturally and linguistically diverse settings be furthered?
- Will this build capacity beyond the event or education program?"
Application Forms
CALD Highbury St Application Form (699 kb PDF)
Highbury Street Terms of Reference
Highbury Street Terms of Reference (24 kb Word document)
More Information
For further information or assistance with applications contact 8236 4244 or Turn on Javascript!