Sale proceeds

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Sale proceeds are invested as per the Property Sale Proceeds Policy and available for allocation under the terms of that policy.  Sale proceeds are held by the Property Trust on behalf of congregations for approved purposes. There are two investment options available for sale proceeds funds (three options if the funds are held to purchase a manse at a later date – see Manses below):

Investment Options Summary  Further Description 
 Conservative  Capital guaranteed - target return CPI+1%  This option is capital guaranteed and will target a return 1% higher than CPI (to be determined).
Growth Managed by equity fund Not capital guaranteed - value will rise and fall with market conditions. Minimum suggested investment timeframe of 3-5 years. Asset mix is 100% Australian equities.



In a manse situation – the funds can be earmarked ‘manse’ to purchase a manse at a later date. Interest from the sale proceeds can be accessed by the congregation. 

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