New Times - Faith


Reflection of the Week - 16 November 2021

Jesus’ message of ‘full and final participation’ was periodically enjoyed and taught by many unknown saints and mystics. It must be admitted, though, that the vast majority of Christians made Christianity into a set of morals and rituals instead of an all-embracing mysticism of the present moment.


Reflection of the Week - 2 November 2021

On a more negative side, Paul says, ‘You’re all sinners’ (Romans 3:23), ‘You’re slaves to the flesh’ (Romans 6:20), and ‘Your sinful passions bring death,’ (Romans 7:5).


Reflection of the Week - 26 October 2021

In the midst of confusion, and the bustling and babbling of life around me, I, too, have cried out in anxiety, then courage, seeking direction, connection, and help.


Reflection of the Week - 19 October 2021

In Mark 10:35-45, James and John’s sense of entitlement seems quite extraordinary. They may have listened to Jesus’ teachings, but not ‘heard’ the truth deep in their souls.


Reflection of the Week - 12 October 2021

Paul uses several different words for love, but for the Great Love we fall into, the Great Self with the big S, the God Self, he uses the word ‘agape.’


Reflection of the Week - 5 October 2021

Why are some times better than others? Why do some yearn for the ‘good old days’ or look forward to the ‘green pastures’ that lie ahead? Isn’t today enough?


A Resilient Theology

Recently, Kirsty Bucknell, an organisational psychologist and doctoral student at Macquarie University, released some of her and her colleagues’ research on resilience.[1] As part of it they surveyed 277 ‘ministry workers’ from across Australia measuring the relationship between self-reflection, insight, ruminations, resilience and well-being.


Reflection of the Week - 28 September 2021

There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.


Reflection of the Week - 31 August 2021

It is easy enough to take in good stuff; we come to church, we read our Bibles, we pray, we listen to fabulous sermons and even play Christian music … somehow over the hours that follow, the good stuff then gets changed as it passes through us.


Reflection of the Week - 10 August 2021

We can live our life controlled by competition, abuse of power, coercion, unforgiving and taxing expectations, and self-centred gain, influenced by the fear of never being good enough, fast enough, canny enough, or worthwhile.