UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

Submitting Content for UC e-News

Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

Submit a Notice

We welcome notices of 70 words or less about items which may of interest to the Uniting Church Community. Submit a notice.

Positions Vacant

We can advertise your job vacancies in UC e-News, alongside a listing on this page of our website and on our social media channels for just $70 per role. Please complete our Positions Vacant form. 


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Looking for New Times? It's here >


Synod Standing Committee - July 2020 update

Synod Standing Committee meeting updates are published to inform the wider Uniting Church in SA community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from each meeting of the Committee. This update refers to the recent 3 July 2020 meeting.


Weaving women’s stories together

This week should have been full of the chaos and excitement of welcoming three hundred women from across Australia, and some from across the sea, to ‘Uniting Women 2020’ in Darwin, NT. COVID-19 has reshaped 2020 for millions of people, including this conference.


Seaton UC Reconnects

Last Sunday 28 June, Seaton Uniting Church held the "Reconnect Sunday" to pastorally prepare the church during this new season. Members met at the church building and shared stories with the implementation of a COVID-Safe Plan and practices.


Synod Standing Committee - June 2020 update

Synod Standing Committee meeting updates are published to inform the wider Uniting Church SA community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from each meeting of the Committee. This update refers to the recent 12 June 2020 meeting.


Emerging from the "COVID Cocoon"

Several people in the Seacliff Uniting Church have decided to produce a series of media resources, consisting of both short videos containing questions for discussion and accompanying scripts with written support materials, which will be helpful for many congregations and the wider Christian community during this COVID-19 time.


UCA Anniversary - Say YES to diversity

A UnitingCare Emergency Relief Centre was needed in the Port Adelaide-Enfield area of Adelaide. And that's when Lefevre UC and volunteers from Port Adelaide UC stepped up.


Celebrating Refugees Contributions to Society

A UnitingCare Emergency Relief Centre was needed in the Port Adelaide-Enfield area of Adelaide. And that's when Lefevre UC and volunteers from Port Adelaide UC stepped up.

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.