General Insurance Information
The Synod of South Australia is responsible to protect the Church, its members and Church property.
The Church is not responsible for the actions of groups that do not have any accountability to the Church Council.
Even when every care is taken, losses cannot be totally eliminated. However, by taking note of the following items and suggestions, accidents can be reduced and safety improved.
Contact details available either to the left (computer) or at the bottom (mobile).
Please contact Synod’s Insurance Services office for any of the following:
- Enquiries in regards to the scope of cover.
- Advising of additions/deletions/changes to property values
- Notification of a claim, accident/incident
- Advising of new ventures/expanding roles of the Congregation
- An event or program that includes high risk or out-of-the ordinary activities
- Copy of Certificate of Currencies
Similarly, if the Congregation becomes aware of new insurance protection or an uninsured risk, please contact Synod’s Insurance Services office and our staff will explore the matter.
In light of the changing needs and circumstances of the Uniting Church, the Insurance Services team regularly reviews insurance coverage types and policy limitations.
Congregation/Church Council Responsibilities>
Risk Management for Insurance
Why Manage Risk?
The Uniting Church in South Australia is aware that the presbyteries, Synod and congregations rely upon employees and volunteers and that all are fallible human beings. There can be surprises for any organisation at any time - both good and bad. For example a volunteer board member may suggest a new funding source or service opportunity that could help the organisation towards achieving its mission only to find upon implementation that there were unforeseen legal ramifications or negative financial consequences. In another situation, an employee or volunteer may provide a service that ends in a legal dispute, or may carelessly or accidentally do something resulting in harm to themselves or others.
Congregation/Church Council Responsibilities
One of the many roles of your Church Council/Management Committee is to protect the Church, its members and church property.
Business Travel Policy
This is not an automatic cover. Prior approval is required – contact Insurance Services for all enquiries.
Contact Insurance Services for information regarding travel. Application forms noting participants will be sent to the trip organiser for completion prior to the travel. When the completed application form is returned to Insurance Services, the details will be assessed and once approval is granted, insurance cover details will be sent to you.
This policy covers the lives and personal property of employees, accompanying spouses and dependent children and volunteers whilst travelling on Uniting Church SA business anywhere in the world. By definition, ‘Uniting Church SA business’ is any trip which has been formally endorsed by a congregation Church Council and, for cases of overseas travel, the Presbytery and Synod.
Incorporated Bodies
Church Councils cannot establish an incorporated body without written approval from the Presbytery & Synod.
After an incident
Immediately after an incident:
Personal Accident – Ministers, Volunteers, Work Experience
The insurance cover is for a twelve (12) month period commencing 1 November each year. Premiums are payable annually in advance, or monthly by direct debit to your bank account. To initiate monthly payments contact Insurance Services by phone or email.
Automatic annual increases will generally be applied to the sums insured based on the commercial guide to current building costs.
Public Liability Information
The Uniting Church Insurance policy covers all activities under the control and direction of the Uniting Churches both on and off of their properties.
The evidence of cover is known as a Certificate of Currency; sometimes evidence is requested by councils/shires and other third parties. The public liability Certificate of Currency is available by contacting Insurance Services.
Voluntary Workers
Voluntary Workers
Even with the best safety precautions in place accidents can happen. Volunteers are covered under the Uniting Church in Australia Synod of South Australia’s Voluntary Workers Personal Accident Insurance Policy
NOTE: The Church is not responsible for the actions of volunteers that do not have any accountability to the Church Council (this means that the volunteer has fully completed the Screening and Authority Process).
Be aware that it’s illegal to volunteer in a child-related role without a valid Working with Children Check. Significant penalties, including fines and imprisonment, may apply to breaches.
We have declared to our insurers that as per current legislation, All persons who have a responsibility through their role within the Church (whether paid or voluntary) and/or have the potential to have one to one contact with children, youth and vulnerable people have undergone appropriate Screening and checks before authority is given to proceed with a designated role by the relevant council/body of the Church.
For further details you can visit the Safe Church pages to check the requirements
Volunteers are covered under the Uniting Church SA insurance policy if:
- They are actually engaged in any church, welfare or other unpaid activity on behalf of the Church provided that such work is officially organised by and under the control of the Church and/or its relevant Councils or Committees;
- Volunteers should not be allowed to work by themselves.
- Volunteers have been inducted to their work environment and Work Health Safety responsibilities (including your church’s policies and procedures).
For further details on congregational WH&S matters visit this link:
For more information about the conditions of engaging volunteers, refer to
Personal Accident – Voluntary Workers Policy
This policy covers voluntary workers whilst they are:
- actually engaged in any church, welfare or other unpaid activity on behalf of the Church provided that such work is officially organised by and under the control of the Church and/or its relevant Councils or Committees
- There is no benefit for the Medicare Gap
- There is no ambulance cover
- There is no optical cover
- There is no cover if a person is operating a motor vehicle
Benefits under the Policy are subject to certain terms, conditions and exclusions (including limits and excesses) for specific matters contact Insurance Services.
Personal Accident – Work Experience or Students Policy
Cover is provided for persons participating in the Church's work experience programs while such persons are actually engaged in work experience.
Contact the Insurance Services to confirm details.