Event details

The Contribution of Progressive Christian Voices

Effective Living Centre

26 King William Road, Wayville, SA 5034

4 April 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Event details

The Effective Living Centre invites you to the Progressive Christianity Forum this month for a presentation by Kym Bills on 'The Contribution of Progressive Christian Voices.'

While many will be aware of the early contributions to Progressive Christianity by key figures such as Bishop John Spong and Marcus Borg, the diversity of more recent contributions is less well known and goes beyond biblical studies to include spirituality, worship and the arts. Progressive Christianity also embraces the wonders of new scientific discovery, environmental stewardship, and social justice. Kym will outline some of this more recent work and its contributions. However, some writers aligned with Progressive Christianity, such as in the UK and Canada, have moved beyond open questioning and discussion to propose more dogmatic versions of atheism that Kym will suggest is unhelpful.

In semi-retirement since 2019, Kym is completing a PhD and is a Visiting Research Fellow. A former economist and diplomat, Kym was a career Canberra public servant, including as foundation head of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) from 1999 to 2009. He was employed by the CSIRO in Perth from 2011-2018 as CEO of a research joint venture. He first studied theology in 1981-82 as a graduate student at Oxford and completed a part-time Master of Ministry in 2005. He has chaired parishes and been a board member and lay examining chaplain in the Anglican Church but now worships at Christ Church Wayville where he married his wife Anne in 1991 and where their two daughters were baptised. Kym is a regular worship leader and lay preacher at Christ Church and is a member of the PCNet SA committee.

General admission $15, concession $12, live stream $5. Full year subscriptions are also available for $90, or $50 for live stream.

Please book at: events.humanitix.com/progressive-christianity-forum-kym-bills-the-contribution-of-progressive-christian-voices (opens in a new window)

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