UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

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Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

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Reflection of the Week - 9th May 2023

Our passage continues Jesus’ offer of comfort to his disciples. He is in the middle of breaking the unwelcome news that they will soon be without him.


Mission Review

The Mission and Leadership Development (MLD) Board has commissioned a Review of Missional Needs and Opportunities across the Synod.


Reflection of the Week - 2nd May 2023

To be calm and quiet by yourself is not the same as sleeping. In fact, it means being fully awake and following with close attention every move going on inside of you.


Mrs Mackey celebrates 100 years of faith and charity

This Anzac Day, 25th April, 2023 Mrs Patricia Mackey (nee Barnes), will celebrate her centenarian milestone in her home at Resthaven Marion Independent Retirement Living Units, as she reflects on a ‘life worth living.’


PNG Village Unites for Clean Water

A community in Papua Guinea came together to construct a system to improve the water quality of their entire village. In the remote village of Masingara in Western Province, the people have been determined to improve the quality of life in their community.


Synod Meeting 23 Update

Planning for the SA Synod 2023 meeting is progressing well. The meeting is to be held at Adelaide West Uniting Church utilising additional spaces at Uniting College for Leadership and Theology (UCLT) - Yarthu-Apinthi. Below we have provided some information and key dates to guide you in the coming weeks.


Reflection of the Week - 18th April 2023

Our heart is at the centre of our being human. There our deepest thoughts, intuitions, emotions, and decisions find their source. But it’s also there that we are often most alienated from ourselves.


Reflection of the Week - 11th April 2023

It will bother you off and on, like a rock in your shoe, or it will startle you, like the first crash of thunder in a summer storm, or it will lodge itself beneath your skin like a splinter, or it will show up again—the uninvited guest whose heavy footsteps you’d recognise anywhere, appearing at your front door with a suitcase in hand at the worst. Possible. Time.


Reflection of the Week - 4th April 2023

I imagine the crowds sounded a bit like the chattering of morning birdsong - awaiting the arrival of the charismatic wandering preacher, in the midst a city already celebrating the joy and sorrow of Passover.


Reflection of the Week - 28th March 2023

A classic gathered community of relatives and friends, grieving together, illuminates the humanity that binds us all. Grieving and sorrowing also disturbs our perspective – brokenness and blame, belief and benevolence.


Reflection of the Week - 21st March 2023

Let me try to sum it up and describe it in this way. Beginner’s mind is a readiness to always be in awe, to always be excited. We see it in children and in people who don’t filter everything through the brain. Beginner’s mind is one’s mind before the hurts of life have made us cautious and self-protective.

Previous editions:

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