UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

Submitting Content for UC e-News

Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

Submit a Notice

We welcome notices of 70 words or less about items which may of interest to the Uniting Church Community. Submit a notice.

Positions Vacant

We can advertise your job vacancies in UC e-News, alongside a listing on this page of our website and on our social media channels for just $70 per role. Please complete our Positions Vacant form. 


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Looking for New Times? It's here >


Synod Standing Committee - August 2020 update

Synod Standing Committee meeting updates are published to inform the wider Uniting Church in SA community of the discussions, deliberations and decisions arising from each meeting of the Committee. This update refers to the recent 14 August 2020 meeting.


COVID Safe Marshal Update

The South Australian government has declared that from this Friday, August 21st, 2020 that all churches will need to appoint a COVID Marshal.


International Mission Update - A Light for Peace

The new 'normal’ that we have entered into can certainly bring changes to how we as a church undertake international mission. However, despite this challenge we encourage reflection on the importance of partnerships, solidarity for social justice issues and ecumenical sharing.


Mwandi OVC Project, Zambia

When COVID-19 hit, along with all of its implications and changes, the Mwandi United Church of Zambia was faced with a big challenge – how to feed 140 children (22 of them with HIV/AIDS) on a daily basis?

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.