UC e-News

UC e-News is the weekly email newsletter of the Uniting Church in South Australia, which is distributed every Tuesday afternoon and helps connect the Uniting Church community with our church members.

Submitting Content for UC e-News

Please note: the deadline for content is 10am on the Tuesday of distribution.

Submit a Notice

We welcome notices of 70 words or less about items which may of interest to the Uniting Church Community. Submit a notice.

Positions Vacant

We can advertise your job vacancies in UC e-News, alongside a listing on this page of our website and on our social media channels for just $70 per role. Please complete our Positions Vacant form. 


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Reflection of the Week - 10 August 2021

We can live our life controlled by competition, abuse of power, coercion, unforgiving and taxing expectations, and self-centred gain, influenced by the fear of never being good enough, fast enough, canny enough, or worthwhile.


2022 Ministerial Stipends Update

The Stipends Committee met on 27th July, 2021 to deliberate on the ministerial stipend and allowances for 2022.


Crying Out

Exploring the Statement from the Heart and care for the environment (The South Australian Dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church and Uniting Churches).


In Memory of Deacon Nick Kerr

Deacon Nick Kerr from the Catholic Church passed away on 27th July 2021 after an extended illness, he was 81 years of age.


Everybody Needs a Home

Homelessness Week is held annually in the first week of August, and is an opportunity to raise awareness of people experiencing homelessness, the issues they face and the action needed to achieve enduring solutions.


Leading with Creativity and Hope

When Rev Sharon Hollis was named President-elect of the Uniting Church in Australia, the world was a different place.


Eight Years of Harm

In August 2012, the Australian government decided to incarcerate in off-shore detention anyone coming to Australia by boat seeking asylum. On July 19th, 2013, the government declared that none of these asylum seekers would ever be re-settled in Australia, regardless of their refugee status.

Safe Church

UCA Child Safe Program

Many of you will be aware that we have been alerting people to a national UCA Child Safe Program that would be available online.

Previous editions:

Please click a link below to view any UC e-News sent in the last two months.